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Common Invertebrates with the Painted Look

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Ladybug beetle (Cycloneda munda), Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC, 6/4/08 Delta Flower Beetle(Trigonopeltastes delta), Occoneechee Mountain Natural Area, Orange County, NC, 6/13/09 Eastern Beach Tiger Beetle, Fort Macon State Park, Carteret County, NC, 7/22/08 Leaf beetle (Chrysomela scripta), seen at the observation tower at the summit of Moore's Knob, Hanging Rock State Park, Stokes County, NC, 4/11/10, far from anything with leaves on it. Ischyrus quadripunctatus, a type of pleasing fungus beetle (Erotylidae family), Durham, NC, 5/9/08          

Chinch Bug (Blissus leucopterus) on a cattail leaf, about 2 mm long.  Durham, NC, 7/30/10 Rice Stink Bug (Oebalus pugnax) nymph, with wing pads, dorsal view, Durham, NC, 7/18/09.  Seen in a marsh.            

Virginia Flower Fly (Milesia virginiensis, subfamily Eristalinae),  Johnston Mill, Orange County, NC, 7/1/06.   Note the flattened abdomen, a characteristic apparently peculiar to syrphid flies. Horse Fly (Tabanus fulvulus), Indian Creek Trail, a Jordan Lake Game Land, Chatham County, NC, 7/7/06 Leafhopper (Evacanthus ustanucha), Craggy Mountain, Macon County, NC, 7/8/05.  These leafhoppers were common in the wooded side of the mountain near the summit, although I've never seen them anywhere else.  According  to Andy Hamilton, who IDed it (and in fact named the species in 1983), it has only been seen seen on Mt. Mitchell and Chestnut Bald (in the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains) before.
relevant BugGuide page.
Possibly a Bent-line Gray (Iridopsis larvaria, subfamily Ennominae, tribe Boarmiini), Durham, 4/14/06.  Seen at night.  Genus and species ID according to Moth Photographers Group, Plate 32b.  Subfamily and tribe ID according to Integrated Taxonomic Information System.        


Marbled Orb Weaver (Araneus marmoreus), Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC, 9/27/07 Araneus guttulatus, Durham, NC, 6/14/08.  A very tiny spider, about 2 mm long. Female Bowl and Doily Spider (Frontinella communis), Eno River State Park, 10/18/07.  This is a very tiny spider, probably most easily identified by the web shape that gives it its common name. Jumping spider (Paraphidippus aurantius), Mason Farm Biological Reserve (area north of the creek), 4/28/07          

Basilica spider, Durham, NC, 7/6/09 Basilica Spider, dorsal view of part of the abdomen, Durham, NC, 7/20/05.  An open-mouthed "monster" look. Mason Farm Biological Reserve, 9/8/05.  The two spines are not obvious here. Orb weaver (probably Mangora placida), Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC, 3/30/07 Ground spider (Sergiolus capulatus), Durham, 2/17/06        


Maybe a Florida or Hieroglyphic Cooter, Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC, 6/15/07.  This turtle showed up on ridge level, far from the river.  It was very large, at least a foot long.          

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