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Common Invertebrates with Fancy Patterns

If you can't describe the pattern without difficulty, this is the page to look on.  This description fits most butterflies of the Brushfoot family; those shown below represent a small sample.  See also Common Butterflies or the Butterfly Index.     Go back to color/pattern menu:     
Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia), 7/26/04, Durham.  These medium-sized butterflies are abundant on the NC coast most of the year and in the Piedmont in the summer. Female Pearl Crescent, Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 4/24/06.  These small butterflies are abundant throughout the summer in Piedmont NC. Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) on Butterfly Bush.  Boone, Watauga County, NC, 8/30/10 American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis), Durham, NC, 8/20/10 Great Spangled Fritillary, Eno River State Park (near Bobbitt's Hole), Orange County, NC, 8/27/10 Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia), Duke Gardens, Durham, 7/24/05. Female Fiery Skipper (Hylephila phyleus), Durham, NC, 9/12/05.  Dorsal view.        

Green Stink Bug (Acrosternum hilare) nymph, appeared on San Antonio River bank.  San Antonio, Bexar County, TX, 5/28/10.  It was relatively large, probably a late instar.  ID: Forestry Images image # 1242008 Oak Timberworm Beetle (Arrhenodes minutus), a type of straight-snouted weevil.   It was about 18 mm long and brown in regular light (photo taken at night).  Picture-winged fly (Callopistromyia annulipes), Blue Ridge Parkway, Rough Ridge parking lot (near Mile Post 302).  Marsh fly (Dictya genus), Durham, NC, 7/13/07 Marsh Fly (Euthycera arctuata), Moses Cone Memorial Park, Watauga County, NC, 7/2/10            


Yellow-and-black Garden Spider. Close-up of well-fed Argiope. Doesn't look as much like just another Harnett County, NC (8/10/04) spider as it does something out of mythology. Orchard Spider, Audubon Swamp Garden, Charleston County, SC, 10/11/07.  Orchard Spider, Durham, NC, 5/27/09 Peppered Jumper (Pelegrina galathea), Durham, NC, 5/8/08 Arrow-shaped Micrathena Spider (Micrathena sagittata), Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC,  8/12/08 Crablike Spiny Orb Weaver, Fort Fisher Basin Trail, New Hanover County, NC, 6/22/06 Star-bellied spider, Indian Creek Trail, a Jordan Lake Game Land, Chatham County, NC, 7/7/06: ventral view on left, dorsal on right.          


Leafhopper (probably Osbornellus genus), Durham, NC, 8/10/08 Leafhopper (Osbornellus borealis), Durham, NC, 6/13/09.  Photo taken at night. Sharpshooter (Oncometopia orbona), Durham, NC, 7/6/07.  A relatively large leafhopper. Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis), West Point on the Eno, Durham, NC, 7/3/07.  ID thanks to Andy Hamilton. Leafhopper (Ponana punticollis, Gyponinae subfamily), about 10 mm long.  Photo taken at night in Durham, NC, on 8/17/10. Fulgorid Planthopper (Alphina glauca), about 15 mm long.  Durham, NC, 7/15/10.  Photo taken at night.  Its wings look like wire mesh close up.          

  Ichneumonid Wasp (Cratichneumon variegatus), Durham, NC  9/16/06.  Taken at night.  ID thanks to Bob Carlson Possibly a European Hornet (Vespa crabro), Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC, 6/10/06        

Wavy-lined Emerald Moth (Synchlora aerata) caterpillar, Asheboro, NC, 8/18/07.  These caterpillars camouflage themselves by attaching plant debris to their bodies. Moth (Paectes abrostoloidea, subfamily Euteliinae), Durham, NC, 7/5/07 Harris' Three Spot (Harrisimemna trisignata), an owlet moth, i.e., Harrisimemna trisignata.  ID by Lori Gilbert Owenby and Maury J. Heiman,  independently. False Underwing (Allotria elonympha), NC Arboretum, Asheville, NC, 7/8/05.  ID thanks to J.D. Roberts.  Although ITIS doesn't recognize this taxon, Bob Patterson's page at the Mississippi State University Moth Photographer's Group does. Mating Hag moths (Phobetron pithecium) Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC, 7/15/07.  This picture was taken at 9:45 am.  ID thanks to John T. Lill. Ailanthus Webworm Moth (Atteva aurea), Indian Creek Wildlife Observation Trail, Chatham County, NC, 10/2/05          


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