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Archived-by-Date Pages


Annelids (Annelida phylum)


Tubifex Worms (Tubifex tubifex), Durham, 10/3/05.  These are skinny orange segmented worms that stick their heads in the earth at the bottom of ponds and wave their bodies all around.  See Olympus Microscopy Resource Center Tubifex Worm page for a more detailed description. Tubifex Worm, Durham, 11/24/05. It's interesting how the tubifex worms on the left were orange, while this one seemed almost colorless. Tubifex Worms, Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 3/8/06 The little worms are Tubifex Worms, while the big ones might be Earthworms.  They were all in the same subclass (Oligochaeta), all wiggling around under water with the same degree of abandon that day.  A little image-processing was done here.  Durham, 10/18/06.

Leech (subclass Hirudinea), with visible open mouth.  Durham, NC, 5/14/13 Leech, Durham, NC, 6/28/15          

  Copyright © 2006-2020 Dorothy E. Pugh