Field and Swamp: Animals and Their Habitats

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Bay St. Louis and Waveland, Hancock County, MS

These are small towns about 60 miles due east of New Orleans, LA.  See the live map at the bottom of the page; click on the "See Larger Map" link to use.

Buccaneer State Park, Waveland, Hancock County, MS  10/19/19

Beach Morning Glory (Ipomoea imperati) Eastern Wood Pewee Same Eastern Wood Pewee Estuary, with Great Egret in the distance Marsh Wren

Monarch at the beach area Another Monarch there Variegated Meadowhawk there Virginia Rail Same Virginia Rail

Same Virginia Rail        

Waveland, Hancock County, MS  10/18/19

Mating Blue Dashers Checkered skipper Female Common Green Darner on water lily pad Same Common Green Darner ovipositing Same Common Green Darner ovipositing

Same Common Green Darner ovipositing Same Common Green Darner ovipositing Dune Camphorweed False Garlic Forster's Tern

Male House Finch Long-tailed Skipper Another Long-tailed Skipper Monarch Railroad Vine

Sanderling Sneezeweed      

Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, MS  10/16/17

Great Egret Brown Pelican Juvie gull Same juvie gull Blue Jay

Waveland, Hancock County, MS  10/14/17

Cloudless Sulphur Giant Swallowtail Same Giant Swallowtail Monarch Seedbox

Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, MS  10/13/17

Checkered skipper Long-tailed Skipper Another Long-tailed Skipper Yet another Long-tailed Skipper Paraguayan Purslane

Buccaneer State Park, Hancock County, MS  10/13/17

Little Yellow Northern Mockingbird Moth Orchard Spider Ocola Skipper


Bee hidden in Common Boneset Common Buckeye Barred Yellow Crablike Spined Orb Weaver  


Same Crablike Spined Orb Weaver Gulf Fritillary Apparently deceased Asian Multicolored Ladybug Beetle pupa    

Bay St. Louis 10/18/15

CSX train coming through intersection US and Mississippi state flags      

Waveland  10/17/15

Gulf Fritillary on zinnia Ambush bug and bee prey on goldenrod Backswimmer in pond Frog Frogs


Gulf Fritillary Monarch Painted Lady Long-tailed Skipper Another Long-tailed Skipper

Cloudless Sulphur Ocola Skipper Bumblebee Common Buckeye Drone Fly


Trailing Wild Bean Zinnias Common Buckeye on goldenrod    

Bay St. Louis 10/16/10

Giant Swallowtail caterpillar, about 5 mm long Chinch Bug, on the tip of an agave leaf.  About 1-2 mm long      

Bay St. Louis 10/15/10

Chinese Goose Apparently a Canada Goose-Chinese Goose hybrid Red Spider Lilies (Lycoris radiata), common wildflowers from Bay St. Louis to Gulfport Mating Variegated Meadowhawks (Sympetrum corruptum)

Bay St. Louis 10/13/10

White-faced Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) Marlin Miller made sculptures out of dead trees in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  This is probably one of them. Red Spider Lilies.  They are bulb plants, but apparently can survive as wildflowers, even after the hurricane.    

Bay St. Louis 10/9/09

Long-tailed Skipper, wall at St. Stanislaus College, Bay St. Louis, MS, 10/9/09 

Bay St. Louis 1/11/09

These birds showed up at Cedar Point, a marshy area.

Snowy Egret Snowy Egret Killdeer Killdeer in flight Another Killdeer in flight


This Killdeer flew over to a small clump of rocks off the shore.  Great camouflage! Laughing Gull in non-breeding plumage Female Bufflehead

Bay St. Louis 1/9/09

These birds also appeared at Cedar Point.

Swamp Sparrow Horned Grebes Female Bufflehead Brown Pelican  

Bay St. Louis 10/7/04

Long-Tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus) on Lantana flowers in downtown Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, MS, on 10/7/04.  It's missing its right "tail."

Bay St. Louis 9/4/03

Female Brackish-water Fiddler (Uca minax) Bay St. Louis, MS, 9/4/03. Thanks to Garrett Herth for ID. Gulf Fritillary, Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, MS, 9/3/03.  Here's a real survivor taking in minerals from the mud.    

Live map of Bay St. Louis, MS

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