Durham, NC 4/29/23
Beaked Cornsalad (Valerianella radiata) |
Clavate Tortoise Beetle |
Dwarf spider |
Mystery grass |
Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) |
Jumping spider (male Hentzia mitrata) |
Same jumping spider (male Hentzia mitrata) |
Jumping spider (male Pelegrina proterva) with leafhopper prey |
Long-jawed orb weaver |
Long-legged fly (Diaphorus genus) |
Mock Strawberry (Potentilla indica) |
White-marked Tussock Moth caterpillar |
Two flower Dwarf Dandelion (Krigia biflora) |
Woodland Spurge (Euphorbia obtusada) |
Southern Blue Flag Iris (Iris virginica) |
Durham, NC 4/26/23
Azure Bluets (Houstonia caerulea) |
Bean Leaf Beetle (Cerotoma trifurcata) |
Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense) |
Ghost spider (Wulfila albens) |
Jumping spider (Colonus sylvanus) male, with prey |
Miniature Rose |
Orchard Spider |
Atamasco Lilies (Zephyranthes atamasca) |
Atamasco Lily (Zephyranthes atamasca) |
Bulbous Buttercups (Ranunculus bulbosus) |
Carolina Wren |
Same Carolina Wren, singing |
Crossvine (Bignonia capreolata) |
Lyre-leaved Sage (Salvia lyrata) |
Larkspur, Marin County, CA 4/23/23
Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris) |
Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris) |
Coral Aloe (Aloe striata) |
Great Blue Heron |
Greater Quaking Grass (Briza major) |
Lesser Scaup |
Conversing Mallards |
Orange Bulbine (Bulbine frutescens) |
Another Orange Bulbine (Bulbine frutescens) |
Pineappleweed (Matricaria discoidea) |
Raven |
Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica) |
Trailing Lantana (Lantana monteviensis) |
Willet |
Greater Yellowlegs |
Same Greater Yellowlegs |
Larkspur, Marin County, CA 4/22/23
Barn Swallow |
Juvie Black-crowned Night Heron |
Broadleaf Lupine (Lupinus latfolius) |
Calla Lily (Zantedescia aethiopica) |
Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) |
Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris) |
Cretan Rockrose (Cistus creticus) |
Cutleaf Geranium (Geranium dissectum) |
English Daisy (Bellis perennis) |
Field Marigold (Calendula arvensis) |
Field Marigold (Calendula arvensis), with a jumping spider and an aphid |
Musk Filaree (Erodium moschatum) |
No ID possible |
Might be Prairie Acacia (Acaciella angustissima) |
Male Red-winged Blackbird |
Rocky Mountain Iris (Iris missouriensis) |
Snow Egret |
Western Wallflower (Erysimum capitatum) |
Wild Radish (Raphanum sativum) |
Larkspur, Marin County, CA 4/21/23
Aloe Vera (Aloe vera) inflorescence |
Australian Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) flowers |
Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) |
Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris) |
Creeping Wood-sorrel (Oxalis corniculata) |
Cutleaf Geranium (Geranium dissectum) |
Flatbud Prickly Poppy (Argemone munita) |
Greater Quaking Grass (Briza maxima) |
Siberian Irises (Iris sibirica) |
Moroccan Toadflax (Linaria maroccana) |
Musk Filaree (Erodium moschatum) |
Orange Bulbine (Bulbine frutescens) |
Pistacio flowers and leaves |
More Pistacio flowers |
Rock Dove |
Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius) |
Mystery sandpiper |
Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) |
Smooth (or Common) Sow Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) |
European Milkwort (Tolpis barbata) |
Larkspur, Marin County, CA 4/20/23
Algerian Vetch (Vicia benghalensis) |
Australian Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) |
Bermuda Buttercups (Oxalis pes-caprae) |
Tufted Poppies (Eschscholzia caespitosa) |
Calla Lily (Zantedescia aethiopica) |
Canada Goose |
Common Mallow (Malva synvestris) |
Common Mallow (Malva synvestris) |
Crane fly |
English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) |
Grass (Avena genus) |
Treasure Flower (Gazania linearis) |
Treasure Flower (Gazania linearis) |
Treasure Flower (Gazania linearis) |
Western Grebe |
Gull |
Male House Finch |
Ice Plants (Carpobrotus edulis) |
Jointed Charlock (Raphanus raphanistrum) |
Musk Filaree (Erodium moschatum) |
Oblong Spurge (Euphorbia oblongata) |
Pineappleweed (Matricaria discoidea) |
Male Red-winged Blackbird |
Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) |
Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) |
Smooth Sow Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) |
Song Sparrow |
Same Song Sparrow |
Three-cornered Leek (Allium triquetrum) |
Another Three-cornered Leek (Allium triquetrum) |
Western Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum) |
Westringia fruticosa |
Wild Radish-Jointed Charlock hybrid |
Wild Radish (Raphanus sativus) |
Larkspur, Marin County, CA 4/19/23
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon variety) |
American Robin |
Slender Wild Oats (Avena barbata) |
Durham, NC 4/17/23
Male Eastern Bluebird |
Braconid wasp (Cotesia genus) cocoons |
Hoverfly (Toxomerus geminatus) |
Male House Finch |
Same male House Finch |
Two Flower Dwarf Dandelions (Krigia biflora) |
Jumping spider (probably female Paraphidippus aurantius) |
Same jumping spider |
Lyre-leaved Sage (Salvia lyrata) |
Pearl Crescent |
Jumping spider ( male Pelegrina proterva) |
Jumping spider (Pelegrina proterva) |
Red-banded Hairstreak |
Red-banded Hairstreak |
Red-banded Hairstreak |
Squash Bug |
Tufted Titmouse |
Tufted Titmouse |
Tufted Titmouse |
Tufted Titmouse |
Tufted Titmouse with caterpillar prey |
Tufted Titmouse with caterpillar prey |
Two Flower Dwarf Dandelion (Krigia biflora) |
Antmimic spider (Castaneira longipalpa) |
Sawtooth Blackberries (Rubus arguta) |
Boxelder Bug |
Bulbous Buttercups (Ranunculus bulbosus) |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Chestnut Oak |
Crab spider |
Durham, NC 4/16/23
Hearts-a-bustin' (Euonymus americanus) buds, flower, and leaf |
Hearts-a-bustin' (Euonymus americanus) flower and bud |
Low Hop Clover (Trifolium campestre) |
Thread-waisted wasp |
Durham, NC 4/15/23
Blue Jay |
Carolina Crane's-bill (Geranium caroliniana) |
Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) |
Dovefoot Geranium (Geranium molle) |
Eastern Annual Fleabane (Erigeron annuus) |
Field Madder (Sherardia arvensis) |
Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) |
Gray Everlasting (Gamochaeta coarctata) |
Hearts-a-bustin' (Euonymus americanus) flowers and buds |
Hearts-a-bustin' (Euonymus americanus) buds |
Hearts-a-bustin' (Euonymus americanus) flowers and buds |
Little Brown Jug (Hexastylis virginica) flower |
Parlin's Pussytoes (Antennaria parlinii) buds |
Parlin's Pussytoes (Antennaria parlinii) whole plants |
Two little pine trees |
Red Tip Photinia (Photinia glabra and Photinia serratifolia hybrid |
River Birch (Betula nigra) catkins, all female |
Sawtooth Blackberry (Rubus argutus) |
Sticky Willy (Galium aparine) |
Tufted Titmouse |
Nature Trail, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC 4/12/23
Green-and-gold (Chrysogonum virginianum) |
Hairy-jointed Meadow Parsnip (Thaspium barbinode) |
Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus) |
Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) |
Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) |
Longhorn beetle (Molorchus bimaculatus) on Smooth Blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium) |
Longhorn beetle (Molorchus bimaculatus) on Smooth Blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium) |
Longhorn beetle (Molorchus bimaculatus) on Smooth Blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium) |
Longhorn beetles (Molorchus bimaculatus) on Smooth Blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium) |
Longhorn beetles (Molorchus bimaculatus) on Smooth Blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium) |
Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) |
Mesh web weaver (Dictyna foliacea) |
Orchard Spider |
Rattlesnakeweed (Hieracium venosum) |
Rattlesnakeweed (Hieracium venosum) |
Sawtooth Blackberry (Rubus argutus) |
Star Chickweed (Stellaria pubera) and Rue Anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides) |
Sweet cicely |
Same sweet cicely |
Tent caterpillar |
Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipfera) flower |
Two-flower Melicgrass (Melica mutica) |
Violet Wood-sorrel (Oxalis violacea) |
Southern Wild Comfrey (Andersonglossum virginianum). There is some disagreement about whether it is Cynoglossum virginianum. |
Southern Wild Comfrey (Andersonglossum virginianum). |
Southern Wild Comfrey (Andersonglossum virginianum). |
Immature Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Durham, NC 4/11/23
Sticky Willy (Galium aparine) |
Eastern Annual Fleabane (Erigeron annuus) |
Hearts-a-bustin' (Euonymus americanus) |
Tiny Bluets (Houstonia pusilla) |
Durham, NC 4/10/23
Barklouse |
Beaked Cornsalad (Valerianella radiata) |
Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica), with a bee |
Buprestid beetle |
Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) |
Common Cinquefoil (Potentilla simplex) |
Crab spider (Xysticus genus) |
Dwarf dandelion (Krigia genus) |
Female Eastern Bluebird |
Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) |
Jumping spider (Hentzia palmarum) |
Same jumping spider (Hentzia palmarum) |
Large Bee Fly |
Mystery object |
Squarrose Sedge (Carex squarrosa), finishing up its s |
Squarrose Sedge (Carex squarrosa) seedhead |
Eastern Riger Swallowtail |
Twig Ant (Pseudomyrmex ejectus) |
Weevil |
Jumping spider and weevil |
White Clover (Trifolium repens) |
Durham, NC 4/9/23
Bronzed Cutworm (Nephelodes minians) |
Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) |
Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) |
Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) |
Eastern Brownsnake |
Durham, NC 4/6/23
Encyrtid wasp (Adelencyrtus genus) |
Baby pine tree |
Squarrose Sedge (Carex squarrosa) flowers |
Megachilid bee |
Part of a dead tree with many holes. Several megachilid bees visited several holes apiece while I watched. |
Millipede (Sigmoria aberrans) |
Stiff Marsh Bedstraw (Galium tinctorium) |
Mating Carolina Anoles |
Same mating Carolina Anoles |
Common Cinquefoil (Potentilla simplex) |
Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) |
Corn Speedwell (Veronica arventis) |
Corn Speedwells (Veronica arventis) |
Corn Speedwells (Veronica arventis) |
Crab spider |
Crab spider (Mecaphesa dubia) |
Fivespot (Nemophila maculata), partially eaten |
Another Fivespot (Nemophila maculata) |
Jumping spider (Attidops youngi) |
Jumping spider (Hentzia palmarum) |
Jumping spider (Pelegrina proterva) |
North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC 4/4/23
Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) |
Male juvie Northern Cardinal |
Carolina Anole |
Five-lined Skink |
Goldenseal |
Another Goldenseal |
Tadpole? |
Little Brown Jug (Hexastylis virginica) |
Nature Trail, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC 4/4/23
Azure Bluets (Houstonia caerulea) |
Rove beetle (Oxypoda genus) and Buffalo Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus scrophulariae) |
Caterpillar attacked by ants |
Clover Stem Borer (Languria mozardi) |
Little Brown Jug (Hexastylis virginica) |
Little Brown Jug (Hexastylis virginica) |
Longhorn beetle (Molorchus bimaculatus) on Smooth Blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium) |
Another longhorn beetle (Molorchus bimaculatus) |
Another longhorn beetle (Molorchus bimaculatus) |
Longhorn beetles (Molorchus bimaculatus) |
Soldier fly (Psellidotus genus, Stratiomyini tribe) |
Star Chickweed (Stellaria pubera) |
Star Chickweeds (Stellaria pubera) |
Pale Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia sororia?) |
Azure Bluets (Houstonia caerulea) |
Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia sororia) |
Common Cornsalad (Valerianella locusta) |
Little Sweet Betsy (Trillium cuneatum) |
Another Little Sweet Betsy (Trillium cuneatum) |
Longhorn bee |
Baby pine |
Eastern Gray Squirrel |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Robber fly (Laphria divisor) |
Durham, NC 4/2/23
Ant with crane fly prey |
Baskettail |
Bee on Common Dandelion |
Beetle |
Same beetle |
Black Willow (Salix nigra) |
Black Willow (Salix nigra) |
Boxelder Bugs mating |
Boxelder Maple (Acer negundo) |
Carolina Crane's-bill (Geranium carolinianum) |
Carolina Chickadee |
Same Carolina Chickadee |
Same Carolina Chickadee |
Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) |
Common Yellow Wood-sorrel (Oxalis stricta) |
Beaked Cornsalad (Valerianella radiata) buds |
Beaked Cornsalad (Valerianella radiata) flowers |
Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) |
Dark Hoplia (Hoplia trivialis) |
Female Eastern Bluebird |
Eastern Bluebird pair |
Eastern Tailed-blues |
Eastern Tailed-blues |
Eastern Tailed-blues |
Oriental False Hawkweed (Youngi japonica) |
Gall in branch |
Green Six-spotted Tiger Beetle |
Leafhopper |
Pearl Crescent |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
River Birch (Betula nigra) catkins |
River Birch (Betula nigra) catkins |
Seed Shrimps (Ostracoda class) |
Seed Shrimps (Ostracoda class) |
Sticky willy (Galium aparine) |
Tufted Titmouse |
Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) |
Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) |
Chalcidoid wasp (Pteromalus genus) |
Woodland Spurge (Euphorbia obtusata) |
Woodland Spurge (Euphorbia obtusata) |
Woodland Spurge (Euphorbia obtusata) |
Yellow Poplar Weevil |
Same Yellow Poplar Weevil |
Durham, NC 4/1/23
Cooper's Hawk |