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February 2022

Durham, NC  2/28/22

Flower fly Same flower fly Same flower fly Running crab spider Sawfly (Xyela genus)

Tiny male spider, member of the sheetweb and dwarf spider family (Linyphiidae) Parasitoid wasp Winged Elm flowers    

Durham, NC  2/26/22

Female Northern Cardinal Henbits (Lamium amplexicaule) Henbits (Lamium amplexicaule) Male House Finch Ivyleaf Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia)

Ivyleaf Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia) Ivyleaf Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia) buds Leatherleaf Mahonia (Berberis bealei) Purple Dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum) Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk Song Sparrow Another Song Sparrow White-throated Sparrow White-throated Sparrow

Durham, NC  2/25/22

Female Northern Cardinal Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) Henbits (Lamium amplexicaule) Ivyleaf Speedwells (Veronica hederifolia) Persian Speedwells (Veronica persica)

Trout Lily Tufted Titmouse      

Durham, NC  2/24/22

Cedar Waxwings Cedar Waxwings flying from drainage conduit Cedar Waxwings at drainage conduit Cedar Waxwings flying from drainage conduit Male Northern Cardinal

Durham, NC  2/23/22

Eastern Brownsnake Same Eastern Brownsnake China Paper Bush Apparently a Common Dandelion seedhead (Taraxacum officinale) Red Maple

American Elm? Globular springtail (Ptenothrix beta) Female midge Sawfly Mite

Weevil (Lechriops oculatus) Spider Winged Elm?    

North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, Orange County, NC  2/22/22

Male Northern Cardinal Crane Fly Orchid (Yipularia discolor) Early Saxifrage (Micranthes virginiensis) Green and Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum) Another Green and Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum)

Round-lobed Hepatica (Anemone americana) Persian Speedwell (Veronica persica) Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica)  

Durham, NC  2/21/22

Male Red-bellied Woodpecker Red-headed Woodpecker in transitional plumage to adult American Robin Same American Robin Spider

Same Ruby-crowned Kinglet Same Ruby-crowned Kinglet Same Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet  

Spider Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) Parasitoid wasp    

Durham, NC  2/20/22

Yellow-rumped Warbler Spring Beauty Dark-eyed Junco Female Eastern Bluebird Field Sparrow

Song Sparrow Spring Beauty      

Durham, NC  2/19/22

Golden-crowned Kinglet with a Red Maple male flower Same Golden-crowned Kinglet with a Red Maple male flower Red-tailed Hawk Same Red-tailed Hawk Winged Elm (Ulmus alata) flowers

Probably coyote bones Male Northern Cardinal Female Northern Cardinal Carolina Chickadee Common Yellow Wood-sorrel

Durham, NC  2/18/22

China Paper Bush Dwarf spider Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) Jumping spider (Hentzia mitrata) Mallard pair

Male Red Maple flowers        

Durham, NC  2/16/22

Male Downy Woodpecker Female Eastern Bluebird Frog eggs and a globular springtail (Sminthurinus atrapallidus) Globular springtail (Bourletiella genus)  

Upside down globular springtail (Bourletiella viridescens) Globular springtail Globular springtail (Sminthurinus atrapallidus) Group of globular springtails Two globular springtails

Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) Jumping spider (Hentzia mitrata) Jumping spider (Synageles genus) Ruby-crowned Kinglet Same Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Running crab spider Song Sparrow Same Song Sparrow Springtail, maybe in the Poduromorpha order Wolf spider

Durham, NC  2/15/22

Male Northern Cardinal Common Yellow Wood-sorrel (Oxalis scripta) Male Eastern Bluebird Same male Eastern Bluebird Same male Eastern Bluebird

Golden-crowned Kinglet Same golden-crowned Kinglet Same golden-crowned Kinglet Same golden-crowned Kinglet American Goldfinch Same American Goldfinch

Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) Male House Finch House Finch pair American Robin Song Sparrow

Tufted Titmouse Same Tufted Titmouse White-throated Sparrow Yellow-rumped Warbler Same Yellow-rumped Warbler

Durham, NC  2/14/22

Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) Purple Dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum) Ruby-crowned Kinglet    

American Tobacco Trail (Miles 0-1), Durham, NC  2/12/22

Daffodils Hairy Bittercress (Cardimine hirsuta) Hairy Bittercress (Cardimine hirsuta) Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) Mourning Dove

Persian Speedwells (Veronica persica) Persian Speedwells (Veronica persica) Persian Speedwells (Veronica persica) Purple Dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum) Purple Dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum)

Red-tailed Hawk Song Sparrow White-throated Sparrow    

Durham, NC  2/11/22

Antmimic jumping spider (Synageles genus).  ID thanks to Chad Heins. Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) American Robin    

Durham, NC  2/10/22

Aphid Buffalo Treehopper Female Downy Woodpecker Female Downy Woodpecker Female American Goldfinch China Paper Bush, a cultivated plant.

Red Maple male flowers Red Maple male flowers Song Sparrow Dwarf spider Springtail, Poduromorpha order Tachinid fly

Durham, NC  2/9/22

Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) Northern Flicker Feather Flower fly Same flower fly

Midge Jumping spider (female Hentzia mitrata) Same jumping spider (female Hentzia mitrata) Jumping spider (male Hentzia mitrata)  

Fort Fisher State Recreation Area, New Hanover County, NC  2/4/22

Fallen Red Cedar Forster's Tern      

Karl on 421 Military plane Palm Warbler Same Palm Warbler Song Sparrow

Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, NC   2/4/22

Brown Pelican Great Blue Heron and Snowy Egret Little Blue Heron Same Little Blue Heron Eastern Phoebe

Snowy Egret Sunrise, by Karl D. Gottschalk White Ibis Short-billed Dowitchers  

Fort Fisher State Recreation Area, New Hanover County, NC  2/3/22

Double-crested Cormorants flying north Double-crested Cormorants flying north Double-crested Cormorants flying north    

Double-crested Cormorants flying south Eastern Bluebirds, two male, two female on Battle Acre statue Atlantic Ocean Low Hop Clover (Trifolium campestre) Savannah Sparrow

Another Savannah Sparrow Another Savannah Sparrow Savannah Sparrows Same Savannah Sparrows  

Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, NC  2/3/22

Sunrise, photo by Karl D. Gottschalk        

Fort Fisher State Recreation Area, New Hanover County, NC  2/2/22

View of Cape Fear River Bonaparte's Gulls, Forster's Tern Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule)    

Palm Warbler Same Palm Warbler Seaweed More seaweed  

Song Sparrow Song Sparrow      

Carolina Beach Lake, New Hanover County, NC  2/2/22

Marbled Godwit Sanderling Tricolored Heron White Ibis Short-billed Dowitchers

Yellow-rumped Warbler Canada Geese More Canada Geese    

Canada Goose Killdeer      

Carolina Beach Lake, New Hanover County, NC  2/1/22

American Coot Feral cat Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Great Egret Henbit (Lamium aplexicaule)

Killdeer Tricolored Heron White Ibis    


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