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January 2017

Durham, NC 1/31/17

Great Blue Heron American Robin (actually seen 1/18/17) Jumping spider (Hentzia mitrata) Same jumping spider Heptagonal Orb Weaver

Dark Fishing Spider        

Charlotte-Douglas Airport, NC, and places east 1/28/17

View of downtown from airport Plane in motion Plane after takeoff Power plant Smokestack


Worker bringing hose to the plane A strip mine Another strip mine    

South Lido Park, Sarasota, FL 1/27/17

Red-breasted Merganser in breeding plumage Pen Shell encrusted with smaller shells House on Siesta Key across Sarasota Bay Large fish (several feet long) washed up on the beach Dolphin


Brown Pelican        

Ringling Art Museum grounds, Sarasota, FL 1/26/17

Anhinga Banyan tree fruits Banyan tree crossing path Double-crested Cormorant Pink Trumpet Tree flowers


Plane Apparently parasitic plant that landed as a seed behind a cabbage palm's old leaves Same plant Anhinga preening Banyan fruits


Forster's Tern Pink Wood-Sorrel White Ibises Same White Ibises  

South Lido Park, Sarasota County, FL 1/26/17

Osprey Same Osprey Black-hooded Parakeets Palm Warbler Mangrove Buckeye


Juvie Great Blue Heron Great Blue Heron Laughing Gull Snowy Egret Maybe the same Snowy Egret


Same Snowy Egret Turkey Vulture Another Turkey vulture Black Vulture Raccoon track


Palmetto Tortoise Beetle (Hemisphaerota cyanea) Prickly fruits Blowfish Fish  


St. Armand's Key, seen across Sarasota Bay        

Myakka River State Park, Sarasota County, FL 1/25/17

Lesser Yellowlegs Tricolored Heron and Snowy Egret pursuing fish prey Same Tricolored Heron and Snowy Egret pursuing fish prey Same Tricolored Heron Same Tricolored Heron


White Pelicans Snowy Egret Same Snowy Egret    


Sandhill Crane with prey Same Sandhill Crane Same Sandhill Crane Same Sandhill Crane Clam shell?


Roseate Spoonbill Same Roseate Spoonbill Other Roseate Spoonbills Same Roseate Spoonbills  


Limpkin with snail prey Great Egret Same Great Egret, landing Same Great Egret, landed American Alligator, with some Black Vultures (not a good sign)


Palm Warbler Same Palm Warbler Second-year Bald Eagle with fish prey Same Bald Eagle American Alligator


Glossy Ibis and Limpkin Same Glossy Ibis and Limpkin Four Limpkins Three Limpkins in the open and another mostly hidden  


Great Egret Great Egret, with single large feather showing      

Sarasota, FL 1/24/17

Anhinga hunting Black Skimmers Blue Gray Gnatcatcher Same Blue Gray Gnatcatcher Same Blue Gray Gnatcatcher


Common Gallinule Another Common Gallinule Common Gallinule Female Hooded Merganser Cuban Anole


Great Egret Gulf Fritillary Checkered skipper Little Yellow White Peacock


Hibiscus flower, partially unfolded Hong Kong Orchid Tree flowers Flowers on another Hong Kong Orchid Tree Male Hooded Merganser Hooded Merganser pair


Hooded Merganser pair Juvie Little Blue Heron Osprey Osprey Another Osprey


Pileated Woodpecker Red-shouldered Hawk Same Red-shouldered Hawk Eastern Phoebe Seeds of a mystery tropical plant


Soft-shelled Turtle Another Soft-shelled Turtle Tricolored Heron Vine fruit White Ibis


Yellow-rumped Warbler Same Yellow-rumped Warbler with insect prey New College, West Campus, on Sarasota Bay Wasp (Campsomeris genus?) Wasp nest in tree


Common Galllinule Female Hooded Merganser Male Hooded Merganser Hooded Merganser couple Female Hooded Mergansers


Male Hooded Merganser Mallards Juvie Little Blue Heron and Tricolored Heron Tricolored Heron Tricolored Heron


Osprey Same Osprey Great Egret Black Skimmers Cuban Anole


Banyan tree Carp Another carp Checkered skipper Firewheel


Gulf Fritillary Same Gulf Fritillary Mourning Dove New College arch Red Silk Cotton Tree


Vine fruit Vine      

Durham, NC 1/19/17

100+ mostly globular springtails Mostly globular springtails, with an elongated one Globular springtails    


Front view of a globular springtail Top view of a globular springtail More globular springtails More globular springtails  


Note the little white springtail on the left. Mating attempt?      

Durham, NC 1/18/17

Jumping spider (young/small Hentzia palmarum) Globular springtail Another globular springtail Probably the same globular springtail, with antennae length more evident Dwarf spider


Aphid, after getting on its feet Same aphid, originally lying on side Same aphid, still lying on side Field Cricket Tiny fly



Durham, NC 1/17/17

Male Pileated Woodpecker American Crows (haven't heard Fish Crows in months) Red-shouldered Hawk, apparently with prey    

Durham, NC 1/16/17

Rusty Blackbird Same Rusty Blackbird Several Rusty Blackbirds; sorting out which are males and females is made even murkier by this being the transition time from nonbreeding to breeding plumage. Several Rusty Blackbirds  

Durham, NC 1/15/17

Female Northern Cardinal Same female Northern Cardinal Male Hairy Woodpecker Same Male Hairy Wood Male Red-bellied Woodpecker


Same Red-bellied Woodpecker        

Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC 1/13/17

Water boatman Three Water boatmen, including a nymph Small succulent plant Spider Fly

Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Chapel Hill, Orange County, NC 1/12/17

Red-tailed Hawk White-throated Sparrow Painted Turtle Lichens  

North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, Orange County, NC 1/12/17

Brown Thrasher Brown Thrasher Brown Thrasher Brown Thrasher Carolina Wren


Carolina Chickadee Carolina Chickadee Carolina Chickadee Downy Woodpecker Fungi


Tufted Titmouse Red-bellied Woodpecker Same Red-bellied Woodpecker    

Durham NC 1/12/17 (Third Fork Creek Trail)

Red-tailed Hawk Male Eastern Bluebirds Two Eastern Bluebirds feeding on berries Same two male Eastern Bluebirds, the other with wings out Male Eastern Bluebird


Male Eastern Bluebird flying Same Eastern Bluebird flying Male Eastern Bluebird

Male Eastern Bluebird

Male Eastern Bluebird


Juvie Eastern Bluebird Carolina chickadee Caterpillar Brown-headed Nuthatch Maybe same Brown-headed Nuthatch, one of three hanging around this nest.


Brown-headed Nuthatch near the nest Arabesque Orb Weaver Same Arabesque Orb Weaver    

Durham, NC 1/11/17

An assassin bug, perhaps a member of the Zelus genus, discovered in the snow, a casualty of the recent cold spell.        

Durham, NC 1/10/17

White-throated Sparrows Turkey Vultures Savannah Sparrows Savannah Sparrow Savannah Sparrow


Savannah Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Savannah Sparrow


Savannah Sparrow, hidden        

Durham, NC 1/8/17

Female Eastern Bluebird Same female Eastern Bluebird Male Eastern Bluebird Tufted Titmouse Same Tufted Titmouse


Yellow-rumped Warbler Dark-eyed Junco      

Durham, NC 1/7/17

Snowflake on the deck Snowflake, on a sleeve Partially melted snowflake on a glove    

Durham, NC 1/6/17

Black Vulture Downy Woodpecker      

Durham, NC 1/5/17

Pileated Woodpecker Male Northern Cardinal Same male Northern Cardinal White-throated Sparrow Turkey Vulture

Durham, NC 1/4/17

Green Stink Bug Male Mallard Male Mallard Pied-Billed Grebe Pied-Billed Grebes


Red-bellied Woodpecker Red-shouldered Hawk Eastern Gray Squirrel Same Eastern Gray Squirrel, with nesting material Carolina Wren


Male Eastern Bluebird American Goldfinch Canada Geese Canada Geese  

Durham, NC 1/3/17

White-throated Sparrow Carolina Wren      

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