Durham, NC 1/31/17
Great Blue Heron |
American Robin (actually seen 1/18/17) |
Jumping spider (Hentzia mitrata) |
Same jumping spider |
Heptagonal Orb Weaver |
Dark Fishing Spider |
Charlotte-Douglas Airport, NC, and places east 1/28/17
View of downtown from airport |
Plane in motion |
Plane after takeoff |
Power plant |
Smokestack |
Worker bringing hose to the plane |
A strip mine |
Another strip mine |
South Lido Park, Sarasota, FL 1/27/17
Red-breasted Merganser in breeding plumage |
Pen Shell encrusted with smaller shells |
House on Siesta Key across Sarasota Bay |
Large fish (several feet long) washed up on the beach |
Dolphin |
Brown Pelican |
Ringling Art Museum grounds, Sarasota, FL 1/26/17
Anhinga |
Banyan tree fruits |
Banyan tree crossing path |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Pink Trumpet Tree flowers |
Plane |
Apparently parasitic plant that landed as a seed behind a cabbage palm's old leaves |
Same plant |
Anhinga preening |
Banyan fruits |
Forster's Tern |
Pink Wood-Sorrel |
White Ibises |
Same White Ibises |
South Lido Park, Sarasota County, FL 1/26/17
Osprey |
Same Osprey |
Black-hooded Parakeets |
Palm Warbler |
Mangrove Buckeye |
Juvie Great Blue Heron |
Great Blue Heron |
Laughing Gull |
Snowy Egret |
Maybe the same Snowy Egret |
Same Snowy Egret |
Turkey Vulture |
Another Turkey vulture |
Black Vulture |
Raccoon track |
Palmetto Tortoise Beetle (Hemisphaerota cyanea) |
Prickly fruits |
Blowfish |
Fish |
St. Armand's Key, seen across Sarasota Bay |
Myakka River State Park, Sarasota County, FL 1/25/17
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Tricolored Heron and Snowy Egret pursuing fish prey |
Same Tricolored Heron and Snowy Egret pursuing fish prey |
Same Tricolored Heron |
Same Tricolored Heron |
White Pelicans |
Snowy Egret |
Same Snowy Egret |
Sandhill Crane with prey |
Same Sandhill Crane |
Same Sandhill Crane |
Same Sandhill Crane |
Clam shell? |
Roseate Spoonbill |
Same Roseate Spoonbill |
Other Roseate Spoonbills |
Same Roseate Spoonbills |
Limpkin with snail prey |
Great Egret |
Same Great Egret, landing |
Same Great Egret, landed |
American Alligator, with some Black Vultures (not a good sign) |
Palm Warbler |
Same Palm Warbler |
Second-year Bald Eagle with fish prey |
Same Bald Eagle |
American Alligator |
Glossy Ibis and Limpkin |
Same Glossy Ibis and Limpkin |
Four Limpkins |
Three Limpkins in the open and another mostly hidden |
Great Egret |
Great Egret, with single large feather showing |
Sarasota, FL 1/24/17
Anhinga hunting |
Black Skimmers |
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher |
Same Blue Gray Gnatcatcher |
Same Blue Gray Gnatcatcher |
Common Gallinule |
Another Common Gallinule |
Common Gallinule |
Female Hooded Merganser |
Cuban Anole |
Great Egret |
Gulf Fritillary |
Checkered skipper |
Little Yellow |
White Peacock |
Hibiscus flower, partially unfolded |
Hong Kong Orchid Tree flowers |
Flowers on another Hong Kong Orchid Tree |
Male Hooded Merganser |
Hooded Merganser pair |
Hooded Merganser pair |
Juvie Little Blue Heron |
Osprey |
Osprey |
Another Osprey |
Pileated Woodpecker |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Same Red-shouldered Hawk |
Eastern Phoebe |
Seeds of a mystery tropical plant |
Soft-shelled Turtle |
Another Soft-shelled Turtle |
Tricolored Heron |
Vine fruit |
White Ibis |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Same Yellow-rumped Warbler with insect prey |
New College, West Campus, on Sarasota Bay |
Wasp (Campsomeris genus?) |
Wasp nest in tree |
Common Galllinule |
Female Hooded Merganser |
Male Hooded Merganser |
Hooded Merganser couple |
Female Hooded Mergansers |
Male Hooded Merganser |
Mallards |
Juvie Little Blue Heron and Tricolored Heron |
Tricolored Heron |
Tricolored Heron |
Osprey |
Same Osprey |
Great Egret |
Black Skimmers |
Cuban Anole |
Banyan tree |
Carp |
Another carp |
Checkered skipper |
Firewheel |
Gulf Fritillary |
Same Gulf Fritillary |
Mourning Dove |
New College arch |
Red Silk Cotton Tree |
Vine fruit |
Vine |
Durham, NC 1/19/17
100+ mostly globular springtails |
Mostly globular springtails, with an elongated one |
Globular springtails |
Front view of a globular springtail |
Top view of a globular springtail |
More globular springtails |
More globular springtails |
Note the little white springtail on the left. |
Mating attempt? |
Durham, NC 1/18/17
Jumping spider (young/small Hentzia palmarum) |
Globular springtail |
Another globular springtail |
Probably the same globular springtail, with antennae length more evident |
Dwarf spider |
Aphid, after getting on its feet |
Same aphid, originally lying on side |
Same aphid, still lying on side |
Field Cricket |
Tiny fly |
Spider |
Durham, NC 1/17/17
Male Pileated Woodpecker |
American Crows (haven't heard Fish Crows in months) |
Red-shouldered Hawk, apparently with prey |
Durham, NC 1/16/17
Rusty Blackbird |
Same Rusty Blackbird |
Several Rusty Blackbirds; sorting out which are males and females is made even murkier by this being the transition time from nonbreeding to breeding plumage. |
Several Rusty Blackbirds |
Durham, NC 1/15/17
Female Northern Cardinal |
Same female Northern Cardinal |
Male Hairy Woodpecker |
Same Male Hairy Wood |
Male Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Same Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC 1/13/17
Water boatman |
Three Water boatmen, including a nymph |
Small succulent plant |
Spider |
Fly |
Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Chapel Hill, Orange County, NC 1/12/17
Red-tailed Hawk |
White-throated Sparrow |
Painted Turtle |
Lichens |
North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, Orange County, NC 1/12/17
Brown Thrasher |
Brown Thrasher |
Brown Thrasher |
Brown Thrasher |
Carolina Wren |
Carolina Chickadee |
Carolina Chickadee |
Carolina Chickadee |
Downy Woodpecker |
Fungi |
Tufted Titmouse |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Same Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Durham NC 1/12/17 (Third Fork Creek Trail)
Red-tailed Hawk |
Male Eastern Bluebirds |
Two Eastern Bluebirds feeding on berries |
Same two male Eastern Bluebirds, the other with wings out |
Male Eastern Bluebird |
Juvie Eastern Bluebird |
Carolina chickadee |
Caterpillar |
Brown-headed Nuthatch |
Maybe same Brown-headed Nuthatch, one of three hanging around this nest. |
Brown-headed Nuthatch near the nest |
Arabesque Orb Weaver |
Same Arabesque Orb Weaver |
Durham, NC 1/11/17
An assassin bug, perhaps a member of the Zelus genus, discovered in the snow, a casualty of the recent cold spell. |
Durham, NC 1/10/17
White-throated Sparrows |
Turkey Vultures |
Savannah Sparrows |
Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow, hidden |
Durham, NC 1/8/17
Female Eastern Bluebird |
Same female Eastern Bluebird |
Male Eastern Bluebird |
Tufted Titmouse |
Same Tufted Titmouse |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Dark-eyed Junco |
Durham, NC 1/7/17
Snowflake on the deck |
Snowflake, on a sleeve |
Partially melted snowflake on a glove |
Durham, NC 1/6/17
Black Vulture |
Downy Woodpecker |
Durham, NC 1/5/17
Pileated Woodpecker |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Same male Northern Cardinal |
White-throated Sparrow |
Turkey Vulture |
Durham, NC 1/4/17
Green Stink Bug |
Male Mallard |
Male Mallard |
Pied-Billed Grebe |
Pied-Billed Grebes |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Eastern Gray Squirrel |
Same Eastern Gray Squirrel, with nesting material |
Carolina Wren |
Male Eastern Bluebird |
American Goldfinch |
Canada Geese |
Canada Geese |
Durham, NC 1/3/17
White-throated Sparrow |
Carolina Wren |