Durham, NC 3/31/20
Dimorphic Jumper (Maevia inclemens) |
Same Dimorphic Jumper |
Eastern Comma |
Flower fly (Helophilus fasciatus) |
Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) flowers and leaves. The skinny flowers are purplish-pink. |
Meadow Hawkweed |
Jumping spider (Pelegrina proterva) |
Same umping spider (Pelegrina proterva) |
Long-jawed orb weaver |
Whirligig Mite (Anystis baccarum) |
Oak catkin |
Paper Wasps (Polistes annularis) at nest |
Plum tree flowers |
Squash Bug |
Possumhaw Viburnum (Viburnum nudum) |
Wolf spider |
Yellow Poplar Weevil |
Tiny beetle |
Same tiny beetle |
Black Willow (Salix nigra) |
Bumble Flower Beetle (Euphoria inda) |
Goldenrod Spider (Misumena vatia), on oak catkin |
Same Goldenrod Spider (Misumena vatia) on trail bollard, with appropriate change of color |
Whitebanded Crab Spider on oak catkin |
Same Whitebanded Crab Spider on same catkin |
Durham, NC 3/28/20
English Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) |
Dark Flower Scarab (Euphoria sepulcralis) |
Common Yellow Wood-sorrel (Oxalis scripta) |
Common Blue Violets (Viola sororia sororia) |
Caterpillar |
Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) |
Durham, NC 3/27/20
Black Rat Snake |
Same Black Rat Snake |
Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) |
Chipping Sparrow |
Northern Cricket Frog |
Another Northern Cricket Frog |
Yet another Northern Cricket Frog |
Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) leaves and flowers |
More Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) leaves and flowers |
Green Ash flowers and seeds |
American Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) female catkin. The flowers are pink, although the bracts are green. |
Monkey Beetle (Hoplia trivialis) |
Oak leaves and catkins |
More oak leaves and catkins |
Two-lined Leatherwing Beetle |
Wolf spider (Allocosa funerea) |
Yellow Poplar Weevil |
Aphid |
Ash Seed Weevil |
Durham, NC 3/26/20
Luna Moth |
Red maple? |
Female midge with tiny fly |
Orchard Spider |
Red Tip, aka Fraser's Photinia (Photinia x fraseri) flowers |
Long-jawed orb weaver spider (Glenognatha foxi). ID thanks to John Rosenfeld. |
Stickywilly |
Two-lined Leatherwing Beetle |
Ichneumon wasp |
Chalcid wasp |
White Clover |
Woodcroft Fairies |
Yellow Buckeye |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Same Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Aphid |
Beaked Cornsalad |
Box Elder (Acer negundo) female catkin |
Bulbous Buttercup |
Confederate Violet |
Northern Cricket Frog |
Common Dandelion |
Male Eastern Towhee |
Eupelmid wasp |
March fly? |
Wilted male Green Ash flowers? |
Henbit |
Japanese Honeysuckle |
Early Saxifrage |
Rush (Juncus genus) |
Rush (Juncus genus) |
Paths on log carved by insects |
Durham, NC 3/25/20
Caterpillar |
Flower fly (Toxomerus geminatus) |
Purple Dead-Nettles (Lamium purpureum) |
Red Maple (Acer rubrum) seedpods |
River Birch (Betula nigra) female catkin |
River Birch (Betula nigra) male catkin |
American Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) buds |
Tree flowers |
Unknown flowering plant, Durham, NC, |
Durham, NC 3/24/20
Box elder female flower |
Box Elder (Acer negundo) female flowers |
Flower fly (Toxomerus geminatus) |
Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) |
Fly |
Purple Dead-nettles (Lamium purpureum) |
White Clover (Trifolium repens) |
Durham, NC 3/21/20
Northern Cricket Frog |
Hooked Buttercup (Ranunculus uncinatus) |
Mock Strawberry (Duchesnea indica) |
Common Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium fontanum) |
Japanese Plum |
American Robin |
Saucer Magnolia |
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail |
Tufted Titmouse |
Turtle |
White-throated Sparrow |
Woodcroft Fairies |
Breeding Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Bittercress |
Black Vulture with soccer ball |
Same Black Vulture |
Other Black Vultures trying to tear a sandbag open |
Bulbous Buttercup |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Same Northern Cardinal |
Another male Northern Cardinal |
Carpenter Bee |
Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) |
Common Wood-sorrel (Oxalis stricta) |
Short-tailed ichnemon wasps (Ophion genus) |
Early Saxifrage (Micranthes virginiensis) |
Durham, NC 3/20/20
Aphid with one mite |
Another aphid with several mites |
Another view of the same aphid |
Yet another view, showing the aphid's two right wings |
Caterpillar being attacked by ants |
Female Hop-hornbeam catkin |
Male Hop-hornbeam catkin |
Jumping spider (Hentzia mitrata) |
White Oak (Quercus alba) catkins and leaves |
Monkey beetle (Hoplia trivialis) |
Durham, NC 3/19/20
Male and female (foreground) Hop-hornbeam catkins |
Male and female (on right) Hop-hornbeam catkins |
Durham, NC 3/18/20
American Hornbeam female catkin |
American Hornbeam male and female catkins |
Bittercress and seedhead of Purple Dead Nettle |
Pennsylvania Bittercress (Cardamine pensylvanica) |
Pennsylvania Bittercress (Cardamine pensylvanica) |
Azure Bluets |
Brown Thrasher |
Same Brown Thrasher |
Cherry tree branches |
Carolina Chickadee |
Same Carolina Chickadee |
Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) |
Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) |
Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) |
Dovefoot Geranium (Geranium molle) |
Another Dovefoot Geranium (Geranium molle) |
Male Eastern Bluebird |
Same male Eastern Bluebird |
Field Pansies (Viola bicolor) |
Ground Ivy |
Hawkweed |
Hawkweeds |
Henbit |
Hooked Buttercup |
Ivyleaf Speedwell |
Maple flowers |
Teneral Armyworm Moth (Mythimna unipuncta). ID thanks to Bob Biagi. |
Another moth |
Mouse-ear Chickweed |
Periwinkle (Vinca genus) |
Plum tree branch |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Male Box Elder catkins |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Eastern Redbud |
Song Sparrow |
Spider |
Spring beauties |
Durham, NC 3/17/20
Meadow Hawkweed |
Virginia Spring Beauties |
Encyrtid wasp (Anagyrus genus). ID thanks to John Schneider. |
Durham, NC 3/16/20
Mock Strawberry (Duchesnea indica) |
Red Maple (Acer rubrum) seedpods |
Durham, NC 3/15/20
American Hornbeam catkins |
Camellia |
Carolina Wren |
Same Carolina Wren singing |
Common Yellow Wood-sorrel (Oxalis stricta) |
Male Downy Woodpecker |
Same Downy Woodpecker |
Female Eastern Bluebird with nesting material |
Same female Eastern Bluebird with nesting material |
Same female Eastern Bluebird with nesting material |
Same female Eastern Bluebird with nesting material |
Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) |
Sugar Maple flowers (Acer saccharum) |
Durham, NC 3/13/20
Eastern Hop-Hornbeam catkin |
Azure Bluets (Houstonia caerulea) |
Box Elder (Acer negundo) male flowers |
Early Buttercup (Ranunculus fascicularis) |
Carolina Wren |
Same Carolina Wren |
Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia sororia) |
Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) |
Same Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) |
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia priceana) |
Early Buttercup (Ranunculus fascicularis) |
Field Pansies (Viola bicolor) |
Fungi (Schizophyllum commune) |
Hooked Buttercup (Ranunculus recurvatus), Durham, NC, 3/13/20 |
Midge |
Common Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium fontanum) |
Male breeding Rusty Blackbird |
Same bird |
Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) flowers |
White-throated Sparrow |
Winged Elm (Ulmus alata) |
Durham, NC 3/12/20
Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle with damaged elytra and wings |
Same Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle, showing abdomen |
Azure Bluet (Houstonia caerulea) |
Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) |
Field Pansy (Viola bicolor) |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Same hawk |
Jumping spider |
Same jumping spider |
White-lined Burrowing Bug |
Wolf spider |
North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC 3/11/20
Little Sweet Betsy (Trillium cuneatum) |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Rue Anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides) |
Trout Lilies (Erythronium americanum) |
Common Water Strider |
White-throated Sparrow |
Bloodroots (Sanguinaria canadensis) |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Dark-eyed Junco |
Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle eating nectar or pollen of Spicebush (Lindera bezoin) |
Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle |
Bloodroots |
Fetterbush |
Flower fly (Toxomerus marginatus) |
Moss |
Redbud buds |
Spicebush (Lindera bezoin) |
Yellow Fumewort (Corydalis flavula) |
Durham, NC 3/9/20
Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia sororia) |
Another Common Blue Violet |
Early Buttercup (Ranunculus fascicularis) |
Field Pansy (Viola bicolor) |
Polished Ladybug Beetle (Cycloneda munda) |
Red Maple flowers |
Red Maple seedpods |
Running crab spider (Philodromus genus) |
Eastern Gray Squirrels fooling around |
Same Eastern Gray Squirrels mating |
Same Eastern Gray Squirrels |
Same Eastern Gray Squirrels |
Durham, NC 3/7/20
Flower fly |
Durham, NC 3/6/20
Female Eastern Bluebird |
Same female Eastern Bluebird |
Same female Eastern Bluebird |
Male Eastern Bluebird |
Young female Eastern Bluebird |
Same young female Eastern Bluebird |
Same young female Eastern Bluebird |
Japanese Cherry (Prunus serrulata) |
Same Japanese Cherry (Prunus serrulata) |
Song Sparrow |
Virginia Spring Beauties (Claytonia virginica) |
Durham, NC 3/5/20
American Elm (Ulmus americana) |
Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle |
Hairy Bittercress? |
Hairy Bittercress flowers? |
Brown Creeper |
Same Brown Creeper |
Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officionale) |
Jumping spider (Hentzia mitrata) |
Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) |
Wasp |
American Hornbeam catkin |
Durham, NC 3/4/20
Trout Lily |
Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) |
Callery Pear, Bradford subspecies |
Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) |
Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia sororia) |
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia priceana) |
Common Dandelion |
Field Pansies (Viola bicolor) |
Hairy Bittercress |
Hyacinths |
Ivyleaf Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia) |
Periwinkle (Vinca genus) |
Purple Dead-nettle |
Trout Lilies |
Durham, NC 3/2/20
Male Eastern Bluebird |
Fly |
Stink bug (Menecles insertus) |
Female midge |
Durham, NC 3/1/20
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Same Red-shouldered Hawk |
Another (female) Red-shouldered Hawk |
Same Red-shouldered Hawk mating with a male |
Same male Red shouldered Hawk ending mating |
Same Red-shouldered Hawk pair after mating |
Spider |
Copyright © 2020 by Dorothy E. Pugh. All rights reserved. Please
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