May 2011
Sandy Creek Park, Durham, NC 5/31/11
Dion Skipper on Purple Coneflower | Red-necked Cone Borers (Agrilus ruficollis): One female, two males, mating going on... | Moth Mullein | Female/immature Widow Skimmer |
Robber fly (Laphria divisor) |
Durham, NC 5/30/11
Luna Moth in flight | Same Luna Moth in flight | Same Luna Moth perched |
Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC 5/29/11
Dogbane Beetle | Another Dogbane Beetle | Checkered beetle (Pelonides quadripunctatus). ID thanks to Blaine Mathison. | Tiny mantid nymph | Flower (crab) spider and bee on Viburnum genus flower |
Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC 5/27/11
Ashy Clubtail | Crab spider | Red Clover blossom, a composite of typical legume family (Fabaceae) flowers | Lightning bug beetle | Northern Pearly Eye |
Seven-spotted Ladybug Beetle | Small fly | Jumping spider with fly prey | Crane fly |
North Carolina Aquarium, Fort Fisher State Recreation Area, New Hanover County, NC 5/24/11
Albino American Alligator. According to a volunteer, it's the offspring of two alligators living in the wild in Louisiana, with the egg obtained by an appropriately licensed professional. |
Fort Fisher Recreation Area (Basin Trail), New
Hanover County, NC 5/24/11
Golden-winged Skimmer | Katydid on Prickly Pear flower | Diamondback Terrapin | Tricolored Heron (in Cape Fear River) | Sphecid wasp (Palmodes dimidiatus) |
Fort Fisher Recreation Area (Battery Buchanan Tour Stop), New Hanover County, NC 5/24/11
Yellow Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta qudrivittata) | Yellow Rat Snake |
Male Sand Fiddler Crab | Male Sand Fiddler Crabs: they competed for a crab hole, and the one on the right won. |
Fort Fisher Recreation Area (Battery Buchanan Tour Stop), New Hanover County, NC 5/23/11
Great Egret | Wharf Crab | Wharf Crab | Sand Fiddler and Brackish-water Crabs |
Great Egret | American Oystercatcher | Salt Marsh Skipper | Blooming Marsh Pennywort |
Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, NC 5/23/11
Black Skimmer, Lake Park, at 5:48 PM | Black Skimmers | Eurasian Collared Dove |
Carolina Beach State Park, New Hanover County, NC 5/23/11
Flower longhorn beetle | Mourning Doves | Bee fly (Exoprosopa genus) | Phaon Crescent |
Fort Fisher Recreation Area (Battery Buchanan Tour Stop), New Hanover County, NC 5/22/11
Red-winged Blackbird | Snowy Egret | Campsomeris plumipes wasp on Firewheel | Prickly Pear in flower |
Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, NC 5/22/11
Mallard family with frisky duckling, apparently out of control, Lake Park | Common Starling | Eurasian Collared Dove | Young male Red-winged Blackbird, Lake Park |
Durham, NC 5/21/11
Sooty Crane Fly (Tipula fuliginosa). ID thanks to Chen Young. | Spotted Cucumber Beetle | Common Buckeye |
Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC 5/20/11
Question Mark, ventral view. You can see the white "question mark" on the hind wing. | Question Mark, showing dorsal view | American Snout | Hiding Zebra Swallowtail | Hiding American Lady |
Green lacewing larva | Little Wood Satyr | Striped Lynx spider |
Durham, NC 5/20/11
The only evidence of 13-year periodical cicadas in my SW Durham neighborhood showed up on the ground in two widely separated locations:
13-year periodical cicada wings. Top: hindwing; bottom: forewing. |
Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill Road access, Durham and Orange Counties, NC, 5/18/11
Dark variant Silvery Checkerspot | Silvery Checkerspot | Great Spangled Fritillaries | Asian Multi-colored Ladbybug Beetle larva | Male Zabulon Skipper |
Durham, NC 5/16/11
Variegated Fritillary | Question Mark | Chipping Sparrow | Same Chipping Sparrow |
Durham, NC 5/15/11
Green Six-spotted Tiger Beetle | Stink bug nymph (Menecletes insertus) | Shield-backed katydid | Venus- Looking Glass | Boxelder Bug nymph |
Durham, NC 5/14/11
Dirt-colored Seed Bug (Rhyparochromidae family), Myodochini tribe, possibly Slaterobius genus. ID thanks to v belov. | Orange Sulphur | Rove beetle | Pillbugs |
Durham, NC 5/11/11
Venus' Looking Glass | Scarab beetle |
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC 5/10/11
I heard two species of cicadas, not always in the same places. You can report these sightings at, but need to have exact GPS coordinates to get on their map. That website shows you how to identify species by sound and by ventral-view photos.
Eyed Click Beetle | Aphid | Front view of a 13-year Periodical Cicada |
North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC 5/9/11
Picture-winged fly | Click beetle | Eastern Indian Paintbrush | Virginia Spiderwort | Bluet |
Boone, Watauga County, NC 5/7/11
Song Sparrow |
Blue Ridge Parkway (Mileposts 299-300), NC 5/6/11
Sessile Bellwort (Uvularia sessifolia) | True Strawberry |
Tanawha Trail (Mileposts 299-300), NC 5/6/11
Dwarf Crested Iris (I. cristata) | Canadian Violet | Halberd-leaf Violet | Another Halberd-leaf Violet |
Painted Trillium (T. undulatum) | Red Trillium (T. erectum) | Veery (a kind of thrush). Thanks to Simon Thompson and Dave Lenat for ID. | Same Veery |
Tiger swallowtail | A creek | Mayapple flower | Small crane fly, about the size of a mosquito |
Canadian Mayflower (Maiathemum canadensis), Liliaceae family member |
Copyright © 2011 by Dorothy E. Pugh. All rights reserved. Please contact for rights to use photos.