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November 2024

Durham, NC 11/29/24

Hermit Thrush Same Hermit Thrush Cosmos flower Another Cosmos flower Cosmos plants

Durham, NC 11/21/24

Jumping spider (maybe Hentzia mitrata) Jumping spider (maybe Hentzia palmarum) Trees Fall colors Trees at edge of swamp

Infested crane fly Jumping spider (Paraphidippus aurantius) Orb weaver Same orb weaver Pink Muhly Grass (cultivated)

Durham, NC 11/19/24

Hoverfly (Toxomerus marginatus) Jumping spider (female Hentzia palmarum) Frost Aster Spotted Cucumber Beetle  

Durham, NC 11/16/24

Kudzu Bug Jumping spider (Paraphidippus aurantius) Jumping spider (female Hentzia mitrata) Running crab spider Tachinid fly

Antmimic jumping spider (Synemosyna formica) Antmimic jumping spider (Synemosyna formica) Pennsylvania Smartweed Brook on Third Fork Creek Trail, with mysterious color source Song Sparrow

Same Song Sparrow --->        

Durham, NC 11/13/24

Carolina Wren        

Durham, NC 11/11/24

Japanese Spindle Tree fruit Eastern Tailed-blue (Everes comyntas) Eastern Tailed-blue (Everes comyntas) Female Eastern Bluebird Bowl and Doily Spider

Durham, NC 11/6/24

Japanese Spindle Tree (Euonymus japonicus) fruits Japanese Spindle Tree (Euonymus japonicus) fruit Japanese Spindle Tree (Euonymus japonicus) fruit Mouse ear chickweed Millipede (Sigmoria aberrans)

Thorny Olive flowers   Leaves Holly Male Downy Woodpecker Male Downy Woodpecker

White-throated Sparrow (tan-stripe) Carolina Wren Same Carolina Wren White-throated Sparrow (white stripe) Tufted Titmouse

Another Tufted Titmouse Yet another Tufted Titmouse      

Durham, NC 11/5/24

Cloudless Sulphur Male House Finch Flower fly (Toxomerus marginatus) Common Yellow Wood-sorrel Spanish Needles seedhead

Durham, NC 11/2/24

Checkered skipper Male Fiery Skipper American Persimmon Same American Persimmon Yellow Passionflower vine

Barklouse nymph Barklouse nymph Jumping spider (Hentzia genus) Tufted Titmouse  


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