North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, NC 10/31/24
Female American Goldfinch |
Female American Goldfinch |
Wild Sensitive Plant |
Durham, NC 10/29/24
Cosmos sulphureus, seen in a remote area near a lowland, with a Spotted Cucumber Bug |
Cosmos sulphureus, seen in a remote area near a lowland |
Bowl and Doily Spider |
Same Bowl and Doily Spider |
Jumping spider (Hentzia genus) |
Jumping spider (Hentzia genus) |
Jumping spider (Hentzia genus) |
Spotted Cucumber Beetle |
Blue Mistflower |
Pluchea camphorata |
Durham, NC 10/26/24
Spotted Cucumber Beetle |
Broad-shouldered water strider (Microvelia genus) |
Broad-shouldered water strider (Microvelia genus) with dogday cicada |
Same broad-shouldered water strider (Microvelia genus) with dogday cicada |
Heavenly Bamboo |
Persimmon tree |
Song Sparrow |
Same Song Sparrow |
Hoverfly (Eristalis dimidiata) |
Durham, NC 10/22/24
Pond vegetation |
Hoverfly (Eristalis dimidiata) on Frost Asters |
Hoverfly (Eristalis dimidiatus) on Frost Asters |
Hoverfly (Toxomerus geminatus) |
Hoverfly (Eristalis dimidiatus) on Frost Asters |
Hoverfly (Eristalis dimidiatus) on Frost Asters |
Hoverfly (Eristalis dimidiatus) on Frost Asters |
Sea Myrtle (Baccharis halimifolia) |
Durham, NC 10/21/24
Cereal Leaf Beetle (Oulema melanoplus) |
Winged ants |
Winged ant |
Black Stink Bug |
Jumping spider (Hentzia palmarum) |
Jumping spider (Hentzia palmarum) |
Frost Aster, after blooming |
Frost Asters |
Tiny wasp |
Japanese Spindle Tree fruit |
Japanese Spindle Tree fruit |
Aphid |
Downy Woodpecker eating berries |
Durham, NC 10/18/24
Red Admiral |
Same Red Admiral |
Spanish Needles |
American Tobacco Trail (miles 0-2), Durham, NC 10/15/24
Kudzu flower |
Purple Morning Glory |
Porcelainberry fruit |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
(Large) Fruit Fly (Dioxyna picciola) |
Downtown Durham |
Female Northern Cardinal |
Female Northern Cardinal |
Silver-spotted Skipper |
Blowfly on aster closeup |
Blowfly on aster |
Canna Lily |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Porcelainberries |
Durham, NC, 10/11/24
Frost Aster, going to seed |
Frost Aster, going to seed |
Blue Mistflower |
Transverse Flower Fly (Eristalis transversa) |
Leafcutter bee |
Leafcutter bee |
bee on frost asters |
Transverse Flower Fly (Eristalis transversa) |
Transverse Flower Fly (Eristalis transversa) |
Bumblebee |
Transverse Flower Fly (Eristalis transversa) |
Male Fiery Skipper on Frost Aster branch |
Durham, NC 10/9/24
Dog Fennel |
Common Yellow Wood-sorrel |
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) |
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) buds |
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) |
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) |
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) |
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) |
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) |
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) |
Female Fiery Skipper |
Male Fiery Skipper |
Chipping Sparrow |
Durham, NC 10/5/24
Jumping spider (male Colonus sylvanus) |
Jumping spider (Paraphidippus aurantius) |
Devil's Beggarticks (Bidens frondosa) |
Durham, NC 10/4/24
Thread-waisted wasp |
Thread-waisted wasp |
Frost Aster |
Marsh Dewflower |
Maybe a developing Mock Strawberry fruit |
Horseweed |
Dog Fennel |
Hearts-a-bustin' seedhead |
Spanish Needles flower |
Thorny Olive (Elaeagnus pungens) |
Thorny Olive (Elaeagnus pungens) |
Unopened Eastern Caesar's Amanita (Amanita jacksonii) |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Crossline Skipper |
Opened Eastern Caesar's Amanita (Amanita jacksonii) |
Unopened Eastern Caesar's Amanita (Amanita jacksonii) |
Asiatic Dayflowers |
Male Fiery Skipper |
Lichens |
Durham, NC 10/3/24
Red-headed Bush Cricket, making wing movements |
Jumping spider (Paraphidippus aurantius) |
Sleepy Orange |
Flea Beetle |
Black Stink Bug (Proxys punctulatus) |
Picture-winged fly (Delphinia picta) |
Picture-winged fly (Delphinia picta) |
Hoverfly |
American burnweed |
Female Eastern Forktail |
Female Eastern Forktail |
European Honeybee |
Frost Asters |
Nakedstem Dewflowers (Murdannia Nudiflora) |
Nakedstem Dewflowers (Murdannia Nudiflora) |
Durham, NC 10/2/24
Tersa Sphinx Moth caterpillar (Xylophanes tersa) |
Durham, NC 10/1/24
Tufted Titmouse |
Same Tufted Titmouse |
Same Tufted Titmouse |
Pearl Crescent |
White Wood Aster |
Frost Aster |
Frost Aster |
Blue Mistflower |
Green lacewing larva |
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