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September 2024

Durham, NC 9/24/24

American Burnweed (Erechtites hieraciifolius) American Burnweed (Erechtites hieraciifolius) Scarlet Rosemallow bud American Burnweed (Erechtites hieraciifolius) Seed bug on goldenrod

Song Sparrow, on what is possibly Red Elderberry Potter Wasp Leafhopper (Exitianus exitiosus) Pearl Crescent on Common Wingstem Moth

Our local pond, the Woodcroft Stormwater Wetland Mystery object in the pond, with a Blue Dasher      

Durham, NC 9/23/24

Chrysalis? Spanish Needles flower Apparently Malaysian False Pimpernel seedhead? Malaysian False Pimpernel flower Another Malaysian False Pimpernel flower Female Northern Cardinal

Creeping Cucumber flower and leaves Marsh Dewflower Hearts-a-bustin' Asiatic Dayflower Hoverfly (Toxomerus genus) on Forked Bluecurls Forked Bluecurls

Durham, NC 9/20/24

Snail Another view of the same snail European Honeybee on a Beefsteak Plant Bumblebee on a Beefsteak Plant Eastern Forktail

Female Scorpion Fly Camphor Pluchea California False Chinch Bugs mating Ailanthus Webworm Moth California False Chinch Bug on Devil's Beggarticks Male Downy Woodpecker

Scarlet Rosemallow (Hibiscus coccineus) at pond edge Little White Morning Glory Male Common Scorpionfly Feather with dew Male Fiery Skipper on Pennsylvania Smartweed

Male Fiery Skipper Seedbox seedhead Seedbox flower Checkered Skipper (Burnsius genus) Same Checkered Skipper

Same Checkered Skipper Same Checkered Skipper Least Skipper Hornet Drone Fly

Female Fiery Skipper Ocola Skipper Male Fiery Skipper Juvie Common Starling Juvie Common Starling

Juvie Common Starling Juvie Common Starling Male Eastern Bluebirds flying by juvie Common Starlings Juvie Common Starling  

Durham, NC 9/15/24

Female Common Scorpionfly Female Common Scorpionfly Male Common Scorpionfly Spotted Jewelweed popped seed pod Another Spotted Jewelweed popped seed pod

Camphor Pluchea Rhopalid bug Another rhopalid bug Aother rhopalid bug  

American Burnweed Fly Leatherwing beetle Fly Wasp

Pennsylvania Smartweed Bearded Beggarticks (Bidens aristosa) Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) Male Common Scorpion Fly

Spotted Jewelweed plant Female Eastern Bluebird Eastern Bluebirds Male Eastern Bluebird Climbing Hempvine on Cattail

Durham, NC 9/12/14

Spanish Needles Hearts-a-bustin' seedhead, open Hearts-a-bustin' seedhead, closed Forked Bluecurls (Trichostema dichotomum) Violet Wood-sorrel (Oxalis Violacea)

Forked Bluecurls (Trichostema dichotomum) Forked Bluecurls (Trichostema dichotomum) Cloudless Sulphur Spotted Jewelweed More Spotted Jewelweed


Durham, NC 9/8/24

Bearded Beggarticks (Bidens aristosa) Large Milkweed Bug nymph Pink Fuzzybean flowers Pea Blue Mistflower

Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) flowers Blue Mistflower Dodder Grass plants Part of one of those grass plants

Pea Eastern Gamagrass Common Milkweed seeds American Persimmon, with green fruits  

Male White-tailed Deer Green Stink Bug nymph Pea, with pods Common Boneset Camphor Pluchea Anomalously pink ironweed flower

Green Stink Bug nymph        

Durham, NC 9/1/24

Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) Asian Multi-colored Lady Beetle Arabesque Orb Weaver Spotted Jewelweed Female Rambur's Forktail with leafhopper prey

Stink bug nymph exuvia (dorsal) Same stink bug nymph exuvia (ventral) Asian Multi-colored Lady Beetle Female Eastern Amberwing Same female Eastern Amberwing

Rose of Sharon Clouded Skipper Juvie Ruby-throated Hummingbird approaching a Spotted Jewelweed flower Juvie Ruby-throated Hummingbird approaching a Little White Morning Glory flower  

Juvie Ruby-throated Hummingbird approaching me Juvie Ruby-throated Hummingbird at a Spotted Jewelweed flower Juvie Ruby-throated Hummingbird Painted Lady on a Pickerelweed Same Painted Lady on a Pickerelweed

Common Buckeye Same Common Buckeye Red-spotted Purple Female Northern Cardinal  


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