Field and Swamp: Animals and Their Habitats

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Duke Forest

Tooth Fungus (Hericium erinaceus), Duke Forest, Korstian Division, 6/11/06.  This was a large organism, about a foot across. Round-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica americana), Duke Forest, Korstian Division, Orange County, NC, 3/15/07.  This contrasts with the lavender-colored and 3-lobed hepaticas in Penny's Bend Nature Preserve.

Korstian Division, Orange County, NC


Eyed Toad Bug, Duke Forest, Korstian Division, Orange County, NC, 3/15/07.  This bug was trying to hide, and the camouflage isn't bad! Bess Beetle,  Duke Forest, Korstian Division, Orange County, NC, 3/15/07 Large Bee Fly, Duke Forest, Korstian Division, Orange County, NC, 3/15/07 Solitary bee (Andrenidae family), Duke Forest, Korstian Division, Orange County, NC, 3/15/07.  Note all those pollen-gathering hairs!


Wheel Bug nymph, Korstian Division, Duke Forest, Orange County, NC, 6/11/06.  See more True Bugs. Ground Skink.  See more lizards. Pillbug.  See more crustaceans. Variable Dancer (Argia fumipennis), Duke Forest, Korstian Division, Orange County, NC, 6/11/06 Stink bug (Mormidea lugens). This little critter was about ΒΌ inch long.  See more True Bugs.


Oak Treehopper  nymph, Duke Forest, Korstian Division, Orange County, NC, 5/3/06.  This is the only one of its species and probably its genus I've ever seen.  Nevertheless, Stephen Cresswell, who identified it, apparently sees them all the time!  Order a product with this photo at our online store. Harvester.  Orange Sulphur.  Female Golden-backed Snipe Fly Male Zabulon Skipper


Ladybug Beetle (Cycloneda genus), Duke Forest, Korstian Division, Orange County, NC, 5/3/06.   Thanks to Eric Eaton for genus ID.

Duke Forest, Durham County, NC (Gate 12) 


Robber Fly with hornet prey, Duke Forest, Gate 12, Durham, 8/23/06 Same Robber Fly and hornet: note the hornet's stinger. Northern Cloudywing, Duke Forest, Gate 12, Durham, 8/23/06 Long-legged Fly with bee, Al Buehler Trail, Duke University, Durham, 8/23/06


Male Springtime Darner (Basiaeschna janata), Duke Forest, Orange County, NC, 4/7/06


Mantid egg case, Duke Forest Gate 12, Durham, 1/19/06 Mantid egg case, apparently after mantids emerged, Duke Forest Gate 12, Durham, 4/6/06

Al Buehler Trail, Durham County, NC

Swedish Blue, a European transplant domestic breed,  Al Buehler Trail, Duke University, Durham, 8/23/06


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