Duke Gardens Captive Waterfowl
Most of the birds on this page have Eurasian origins; others
are so designated. These birds appear to be free, but their wings are
Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus), 4/6/09 |
Shelduck (Tadoma tadoma), Duke Gardens, 2/14/11 |
Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata) seemed to be hiding in the bushes at Duke
Gardens, Durham, NC, 7/19/05. |
Another Muscovy Duck, Duke Gardens, 7/24/05 |
Muscovy Ducks, 3/9/06 |
Red-crested Pochard (Netta
rufina), Duke Gardens, 10/23/04. |
Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes
cucullatus), Duke Gardens, Durham, NC, 12/15/02. This duck is a member of a
native species which winters
here, but this is also the edge of its breeding range. |
Male Mandarin Duck
(Aix galericulata), Duke Gardens, 4/2/05. This duck appeared at the
far end of the Asian garden. |
Philippine Duck (Anas luzonica),
Duke Gardens, 2/22/05. |
Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea),
Duke Gardens, Durham, NC, 12/30/05. |
Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis). This goose was the bully
of the bunch at Duke Gardens on 7/19/05, walking around squawking loudly on the
grass, then bumping a duck from this rock. |
Barnacle Goose
Duke Gardens,
3/9/06. These geese were on their best behavior. |