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Local Solar Eclipses

Durham, NC 4/8/24 (Solar Eclipse, peaking at 3:30 pm, at 79% totality)

Photos of tree shadows during the 79% totality solar eclipse, taken from 3:20-3:30 pm:

Two tree trunks, from the top of the island in the cul-de-sac Branches on a tree, taken from the street Same, but from a different angle Same, but later Another angle, later

Two ordinary tree trunks Tree with major branches      

Durham, NC  8/21/17 (Solar Eclipse, peaking at 2:43 pm, at 93% totality)

Crescent suns on the road Same view, a little different Crescent suns on a doorstep Crescent suns on a flagstone Crescent suns on another flagstone


Crescent suns on leaves Same view, a little different Crescent suns on road Artistic treatment of crescent suns  


Partial eclipse, 2:13 pm EDT Karl D. Gottschalk's photo of crescent suns      

Copyright © 2024 by Dorothy E. Pugh.  All rights reserved.  Please contact for rights to use photos.