Field and Swamp: Animals and Their Habitats

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Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC

Francis Marion National Forest: Sewee Visitors Center and Environmental Education Center, Awendaw, SC is a habitat remarkable for its rare and unusual species.

Unusual Crescent! It looks somewhat like a Silvery Checkerspot.   I'on Swamp, Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC, 3/29/06. © 2006 Dorothy E. Pugh.  All rights reserved. Female Pearl Crescent, I'on Swamp, Francis Marion National Forest, SC, 3/29/06. Lace-winged Roadside Skipper, I'on Swamp, Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC, 3/29/06.  This skipper looked very much like a Carolina Satyr or a Gemmed Satyr in flight. Grasshopper (Tetrix arenosa, Tetrigidae family), I'on Swamp, Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC, 3/29/06.  A very tiny grasshopper that comes in a variety of color patterns.  Juvenile Blue Corporal, Sewee Visitors Center trail, Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC, 3/29/06


Southern Pearly Eye, Sewee Visitors Center trail, Francis Marion National Forest, SC, 3/29/06 Six-spotted Green Tiger Beetle without any spots (well, maybe two are barely visible at the very rear)!  I also saw several others like it at I'on Swamp, Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC, 3/29/06. Snapping Turtle, Sewee Visitors Center, Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC, 3/29/06 American Alligator, Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC, 3/29/06


Green Anole, Francis Marion National Forest, Charleston County, SC, 3/29/06.  Note the complex combinations of colors on this anole. This fish at Francis Marion National Forest on 3/29/06 was seven or eight inches long.

Copyright © 2005-2018 by Dorothy Pugh

The Sewee Visitor and Environmental Education Center