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Bristly Locust flower, 5/22/08 | A 12-acre lake created by the damming of Cascade Creek, 5/22/08 | View from Moore's Knob summit | Pilot Mountain: view from Moore's Knob summit |
Elephant mosquito | Female Juvenal's Duskywing | Snipe fly (Rhagio mystaceous) | Turkey Vulture |
Flower fly (Sericomyia chrysotoxoides), seen near Cook's Wall lookout. Tentative ID thanks to JBurger. | Male Juvenal's Duskywing |
Eastern Fence Lizard, only 2 inches long | White-tailed Deer | Ichneumon wasp | Spider wasp? | Fungus weevil |
Stars can shine. In fact, stars can light up the sky: even at new moon, everything here was clearly visible at night. The air was so clean I could get to the summit of Moore's Knob (2500 feet) with little more effort than it takes to do a routine walk back home in the big city. We never think of air quality as being related to heart health, but maybe we should start doing it.
Oak Treehopper | Flower fly, maybe an Allograpta obliqua, subfamily Syrphinae | Bee-like robber fly (Laphria sericea). Alas, very confusing shadows! | Red-banded Hairstreak | Male Broadhead Skink |
Lichen Moth | Fungus gnat (Mycetophilidae family). Family ID by Andy Calderwood, seconded by Eric R. Eaton. | Spider | Ichneumonid wasp | Black Rat Snake |
Hanging Rock State Park, Walnut Cove, Stokes County, NC
Copyright © 2008-2018 by Dorothy E. Pugh. All rights reserved. Please contact for rights to use photos.