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Haw River State Park, Guilford & Rockingham Counties, NC May 31, 2008
Many of these animals turned up on a (mainly) bird-watching guided tour of the park trails given by Curtis Smalling, who identified the Gray Petaltail and Spangled Skimmers.
Gray Petaltail. See other dragonflies. | Female Spangled Skimmer | Eastern Fence Lizard | Casebearer beetle (Babia quadriguttata), about 3 mm long |
One-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela unipunctata) | Zebra Flower Longhorn Beetle | Glowworm beetle | Male Spangled Skimmer |
Horse fly | Woolly aphid | Mystery moth | Painted Turtle |
Appalachian Brown | Probably a deer fly | Sparkling Jewelwing. See other damselflies. | Whirligig Beetle | Adult water strider, maybe Trepobates subnitidus, Haw River State Park, Rockingham County, NC, 5/30/08. One of many in a pond. |
Haw River State Park, Guilford & Rockingham Counties, NC May 30, 2008
Eyed Click Beetle | Calico Pennant | Male Five-lined Skink, with tail stump, shortly after skirmish with another skink. | Mystery beetle (3 mm long) | Lichen Moth |
Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle larva apparently about to become a pupa. | Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle pupa | Aphid | Aphid with what seems to be molted "skin" | Woolly aphid |
Lightning beetle, with deformed wings | Orchard Spider | Elongate Long-jawed Orb Weaver | Mystery leaf beetle | Moth, very tiny |
Durham, NC 5/29/08
Jumping spider with prey | Mating muscid flies | Ladybug beetle pupa, maybe still in process (is that a leg?). Not an Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle (no spines on larval skin). | Rhopalid bug |
Zebra Flower Longhorn Beetle | Clouded Skipper | Mystery fly | Spider |
Least Skipper | Galerucinid Leaf beetle | Ebony Bug About 1 mm long. | Tarnished Plant Bug, maybe 3 mm long. |
Brown Stink Bug | Zebra Flower Longhorn Beetle | Green Treefrog | Marsh fly | Warty Leaf Beetle. It looks more like a bison than any buffalo does! |
Durham, NC 5/27/08
Wheel Bug nymph | Jumping spider | Tumbling flower beetle |
Durham, NC 5/26/08
Question Mark (ventral view). See other butterflies. | Question Mark (dorsal view) | Squash Bug. This bug appears black in normal light, but reflects blue (from a flash). Maybe this is a natural defense against UV radiation. | Female Eastern Tailed Blue |
Zebra Flower Longhorn Beetle | Snipe fly (genus to be determined) |
Durham, NC 5/25/08
Mystery scarab beetle | Same scarab beetle | Earwig |
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC 5/24/08
Rhopalid Bug (Harmostes genus) | White form Orange Sulphur | Weevil on daisy | Leafhopper nymphs |
Question Mark | Dog Tick, perhaps reaching out for a prospective host. | Small spider | Ichneumonid wasp |
Velvet mite | Solitary bee | Robber fly (Laphria divisor) | Viola's Satyr |
Mirid Bug (Lopidea genus) | Flat-faced longhorn beetle (Hemierana marginata argens). ID thanks to Mike Thomas. |
Durham, NC 5/23/08
Dog Tick | Spotted Ladybug Beetles (Coleomegilla maculata) | Spotted Ladybug Beetle larva | Seven-spotted Ladybug Beetle | Thread-waisted Wasp. This wasp was missing a wing and unable to move much. |
Pyralid moth (Desmia funeralis) | Female Citrine Forktail | Springtail. See other non-insect arthropods. |
Hanging Rock State Park, Stokes County, NC 5/22/08
Oak Treehopper | Flower fly, maybe an Allograpta obliqua, subfamily Syrphinae | Bee-like robber fly (Laphria sericea. Alas, very confusing shadows! | Red-banded Hairstreak | Male Broadhead Skink. See other lizards. |
Lichen Moth | Fungus gnat (Mycetophilidae family). Family ID by Andy Calderwood, seconded by Eric R. Eaton. | Ground spider? | Ichneumonid wasp | Black Rat Snake |
Phaonia genus, Muscidae family fly. |
Old Salem and nearby walkway, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC 5/21/08
Seven-spotted Ladybug Beetle | Boxelder Bug nymph (taken on city path leading to Old Salem) | Cabbage White |
American Tobacco Trail, Durham, NC 5/19/08
Rough Green Snake | Same Rough Green Snake, up close |
Twice-stabbed Ladybug Beetle (Chilocorus stigma), American Tobacco Trail, Durham, NC, 5/19/08. Alas, a rear view of this tiny (2 mm) beetle. | Cabbage White |
Durham, NC 5/18/08
Five-lined Skink. See other lizards. | Speckled Sharpshooter (Paraulacizes irrorata) | Red-spotted Ant Mimic Spider | White-lined Burrower Bug (Sehira cinctus) nymph | Long-legged fly |
Varied Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus verbasci). ID thanks to John R. Maxwell. | Mite (Anystis baccarum) | Young Blue Jay. See other birds. | Small Buprestid beetle | Male Eastern Bluebird |
Sharpshooter (Oncometopia orbona). See other leafhoppers. | Common Backswimmer (Notonecta glauca). See other (aquatic) true bugs. | Katydid nymph with aphid. Not a lot of interest there! | Aphids tended by ants. Lots of interest here! |
Durham, NC 5/17/08
Red-banded Hairstreak | Tiny carpet beetle (Anthrenus verbasci), about 2 mm long | Rhopalid bug | Tarnished Plant Bug |
Jumping spider with ant prey | Buprestid beetle | Crab spider | Same crab spider, up close. You can see all eight eyes, the fangs and the chelicerae. |
Leaf beetle (Cryptocephalus quadruplex) | Blue Dasher | Male midge |
Durham, NC 5/16/08
Male Broadhead Skink. See other lizards. | Stink bug (Menecles insertus) nymph | Jumping spider, about 8 mm long, on car surface | This tiny beetle seemed at home floating on water, but eventually crawled out. |
North Carolina Zoo, Asheboro, NC 5/14/08
Meerkat | Bobcat | Puffin | Canada Goose gosling, a zoo visitor |
Female Hooded Merganser | Gemsbok | Hamadryas Baboons | Summer Azure, another zoo visitor |
Durham, NC 5/13/08
Springtail. See other springtails and members of the less familiar arthopod classes. | Spider wasp attempting to drag a spider across pavement | You don't always get to see some animals, such as this Cabbage White, in media res, so I settled for this discovery. See other butterflies. |
Durham, NC 5/10/08
Warty Leaf Beetle | Very well-fed Wheel Bug nymph | Treehopper (Entylia carinata) | Jumping spider |
Solitary bee (about 4 mm long) | Female Damselfly | Young Fowler's Toad (about 12 mm long) | Asian Multi-colored Ladybug Beetle | Bowl and Doily Spider |
Durham, NC 5/9/08
Springtail | Springtail | Silverfish (outside) | Ischyrus quadripunctatus, a type of pleasing fungus beetle (Erotylidae family) | Green Lacewing |
Crab spider |
Durham, NC 5/8/08
Durham, NC 5/7/08
Eastern Tailed Blue | Seven-spotted Ladybug Beetle | Flower Longhorn Beetle | Ants tending aphids |
Viceroy | Flea beetle. Maybe their name has something to do with the fact that they can jump about 3 feet when pursued! | Male Citrine Forktail. See other damselflies. |
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC 5/6/08
Flea Beetle (Altica genus), about 2 mm long. Thanks to Rob Westerduijn for ID. | Leafhopper nymph | Another leafhopper nymph | Scorpionfly | Spider |
Ladybug beetle larva molting | Mirid bug adult (Lopidea genus) | Mirid bug nymph (Lopidea genus) | Click beetle (Elaterinae subfamily) | Orchard Spider, probably overexposed |
Durham, NC 5/5/08
Ichneumonid Wasp | Flower fly | Pearl Crescent, showing some wear |
Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC 5/4/08
Eastern Box Turtle, up close and at a distance |
This Question Mark has the white "question mark" on its hind wing, only rotated 90° clockwise. | Same Question Mark | Silvery Checkerspot | Variegated Fritillary | Red Admiral |
Red-spotted Purple | Common Buckeye, with a few pieces missing | Skimmer dragonfly in flight | Criocerinae subfamily leaf beetle, possibly an Oulema cornutus | Young adult Blue Dasher |
Lace bug | Harvestman |
Durham, NC 5/1/08
Lots of small animals will crawl up from the soil onto a watering can lying on its side. But you can see the usual interesting critters out in the (soccer) field.
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