There are many ways a small animal can mislead predators or
prey by disguising itself. The most obvious ways are by 1) looking like a
more dangerous animal, 2) looking like something uninteresting or 3) becoming
invisible by blending into its surroundings. Sometimes, though, these
animals make mistakes, and we humans sometimes unintentionally set them up to do
Drone Fly
(Eristalis tenax), Pitt County Arboretum, Greenville, NC, 11/11/10, a relatively large flower fly that looks very much
like a honey bee, but does not have a stinger. |
European Honeybee
(Apis mellifera, subfamily Apinae, family Apidae), Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, Wake
County, NC, 3/17/06. This definitely has a stinger! |
Ant (Pseudomyrmex caeciliae), Durham, NC, 2/17/21. Tentative genus ID thanks to Ken Wolgemuth. |
Female antmimic jumping spider (Synemosyna formica), Durham, NC, 12/29/20 |
Bee fly (Lepidophora
lepidocera), Third Fork Creek Trail, Durham, NC, 7/4/12 |
Skeletonizer Moth (Harrisina americana).
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham, NC, 6/6/10 |
Snowberry Clearwing Moth (Hemaris
diffinis), Durham, 8/20/03. This moth is in the same genus as the
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth and behaves about the same. Snowberries
are much more common, however. |
Flower fly
(Spilomyia fusca), relatively large, buzzing loudly. The species is
common in the Northeast. Tanawha Trail, NC, 8/31/10. |
Bald-faced Aerial Yellow Jacket (Dolichovespula maculata), Durham, NC, 8/25/21 |
Potter Wasp
(Eumenes fraternus), Durham, 9/28/09.
Harmless Syrphid Fly (Sphiximorpha genus,
subfamily Eristalinae), Durham, 10/24/05. The big eyes and short
antennae give it away.
Yellow Jacket (Vespula vulgaris), Durham, NC, 11/20/08.
Note the long, black antennae. This wasp can sting, of course. |
Hover Fly
virginiensis, subfamily Eristalinae), Johnston Mill, Orange County, NC, 7/1/06.
Note the flattened abdomen, a characteristic apparently peculiar to syrphid flies.
This relatively large fly (sometimes almost an inch long) can look
menacing when it hovers in the air right in front of you. But it's
just bluffing. |
Yellow Jackets
(Vespula vulgaris)
mating, with the female on
the right. Durham, NC, 11/20/08 |
Flower fly
(Spilomyia longicornis), American Tobacco Trail, Durham, NC, |
Locust Borer
(Megacyllene robiniae, subfamily Cerambycinae),
Boone, Watauga County, NC, 8/29/05. |
Paper wasp (Polistes genus) on Pinkweed. Durham, NC, 9/5/09. |
Grape Root Borer Moth
(Vitacea polistiformis),
Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange
County, NC, 5/1/09. Its species name acknowledges this
resemblance. |
Harmless checkered beetle (Enoclerus ichneumoneus), Penny's Bend Nature
Preserve, Durham County, NC, 4/4/09. Granted, this insect is
never found in the same environments as the Cowkiller and hardly
moves. It may be a coincidence that they look so similar, but as
we'll see later, red and black are a winning combination. |
Spider wasp
(Psorthaspis mariae), Falls Lake Dam area, 9/11/10. It successfully mimicked a velvet ant while
scurrying along. |
Longhorn beetle
(Euderces pini), Durham, NC, 5/16/13 |
Velvet Ant
(Timulla genus?). The extra abdominal ring is an artifact of
photography. Third Fork Trail, Durham, NC, 7/14/11 |
Bitter-tasting Male
Monarch, Penny's Bend Nature Preserve,
Durham County, NC, 8/2405. This butterfly gets its taste from
milkweed family alkaloids it has consumed as a caterpillar. |
Harmless Viceroy
(Limenitis archippus), Durham, NC, 9/14/05. The hind wing bands
give it away. |
Rove beetle larva, Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC, 9/18/16 |
Peapod, Durham, NC, 5/13/20 |
Lesser Angle-winged Katydid, Durham, NC, 8/19/08 |
Vegetation mimicking a Lesser Angle-winged Katydid, Durham, NC, 9/19/23 |
The Predator Look
These animals generally look as if they have big heads. Eyespots
imply this, but sometimes the design represents complete mimicry of a long jaw
with many teeth. Sometimes, though, the animal just looks heavily armed.
Female Basilica Spider (Mecynogea lemniscata), American Tobacco Trail, Durham, NC, 6/29/09.
If you click on this thumbnail, you can see how it looks like it has a large head with long jaws. |
spider (Mecynogea lemniscata), Durham, NC, 7/6/09, showing both "monster" views |
Basilica Spider (Mecynogea lemniscata), dorsal view of the abdomen, Durham, NC, 7/20/05.
This view suggests the gaping jaws of a snake, with fangs and tongue. |
See the eyespots
on this late-instar Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), caterpillar, Indian Creek Trail,
Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC, 9/3/06. To judge from the threads on
either side, it might have been about to become a chrysalis, but in
other circumstances it may have reared its head and tried to look
aggressive. |
Spined Orb Weaver (Gasteracantha cancriformis), Cypress Gardens, Berkeley County, SC,
The spines certainly make it look unappetizing; whether
it looks like a scary face, though, is a matter of opinion. If you
unsuspectedly wreck its web and it winds up in your hand, it feels like
a sandspur.
See other
spiders. |
Beech Blight Aphids (Grylloprociphilus
imbricator), Johnston
Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC, 8/31/07. They waved their
abdomens up and down in unison, looking like a large, furry animal. |
invite to bite
When some predators see eyes and/or wiggling parts, they
Mating Common
Buckeyes (Junonia coenia) Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC,
8/24/05. Here is a contrast of the dorsal and ventral side patterns of
wings. |
Common Buckeye,
Durham, 10/17/05, still flying in spite of a bite or two at the
eyespots. |
Northern Pearly Eye (Lethe anthedon). Johnston Mill Nature Preserve,
Orange County, NC, 8/18/08. Lots of material to work with here! |
Common Wood Nymph
(Cercyonis pegala),
Duke Forest, Gate 12,
This species often tries to hide in the brush. |
Hairstreak (Satyrium calanus), Durham, NC, 6/10/08. Both
eyespots and skinny wiggling parts here. Hairstreaks typically rub
their hind wings together to create the illusion of an eyed creature
with antennae. |
You don't really know me:
animals that use either camouflage or Batesian mimicry, depending on the
Oak Timberworm (Arrhenodes minutus), a type of straight-snouted weevil. It is brown in nonreflected
light. |
Brown Prionid (Orthosoma
brunneum, Prionini tribe), Durham, NC, 7/7/08. This beetle has a cool
strategy: in the daylight (or in dim noctural light), it's brown and
uses camouflage. But in reflected light (in this nighttime photo)
it looks red and apparently poisonous. |
Golden Tortoise Beetle (Charidotella bicolor),
Durham, NC, 7/1/07. |
Golden Tortoise Beetle (Charidotella bicolor),
Durham, NC, 7/1/07. This is the same beetle as that on the left, taken in a different light. Here it reflects its green environment. |
Golden Tortoise Beetle,
Durham, NC 9/10/06, taken in a better light. |
Just to add to
the confusion, one more Golden Tortoise Beetle, Duke Gardens,
Durham, NC,
7/24/05, reflecting nearby flowers. |
flower beetle (Collops genus), which can't seem to make up its mind
about fight or flight. A combination of scary red and camouflage
green during the day, it becomes red and black in dim light. Seen in neighborhood marsh.
Durham, NC, 8/23/08 |
Simple Mimicry:
hiding in plain sight, useful for both predators and prey
These each look like
something else that is unappetizing (and unthreatening), but are still clearly visible.
Warty Leaf Beetle (Neochlamisus
gibbosus, Chlamisini tribe, Cryptocephalinae subfamily), Durham, NC,
5/10/08. This beetle is typically confused with
caterpillar droppings, but only when it tucks its legs under it and lies
motionless! |
Wavy-lined Emerald
(Synchlora aerata)
caterpillar, Asheboro, NC, 8/18/07. These caterpillars camouflage
themselves by attaching plant debris to their bodies, giving them a
withered look. |
Leaf insect
(ventral view). Audubon Insectarium, New Orleans, LA, 10/25/08. It
wiggled constantly when it walked, imitating a quivering leaf.
This insect was collected in Southeast Asia. |
The dead leaf or twig look
(Campylenchia latipes), imitating a twig.
Occoneechee Mountain, Orange County, NC, 10/4/07. |
Treehopper (Entylia carinata),
Durham, NC, 5/10/08, imitating part of a dead oak leaf. |
Diamond-backed Spittlebug (Lepyronia quadrangularis), Durham, NC,
6/20/09. Its front is on the right. This tiny insect mimicks
a crumpled dead leaf or part of a dead leaf. |
Question Mark
butterfly in foreground light (wing ventral view), Penny's Bend
Nature Preserve, Durham, NC, 3/14/07, looking like just another dead
leaf. |
Backlit Question
Mark butterfly (same one as on left), with its dorsal wing pattern
showing through. |
Curve-lined Owlet Moth caterpillar (Phyprosopus callitrichoides, Calpini
tribe), Durham, NC, 10/23/09, hanging from a branch, mimicking a
rolled-up dead leaf. |
Question Mark,
well-camouflaged among thousands of dead leaves covering the
ground. Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC,
11/20/11 |
Mating Variegated
Fritillaries (Euptoieta claudia), Flat River Impoundment, Durham, NC,
8/15/10. They fit in nicely with the rock they're on, but would have
been better hidden on the ground. |
Yellow-necked Caterpillar
moth, Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC,
7/14/07. This looks a lot like a rolled up piece of bark recently
fallen from a tree. |
Chrysalis, Boone, Watauga County, NC, 6/17/19 |
Leaf like a chrysalis, Durham, NC, 6/4/20 |
The bird dropping look
Grass Miner Moth (Antaeotricha genus, probably
Schlaegeri species, Stenomatinae subfamily). This moth was ~5 mm long and
looked like a bird dropping at first glance. |
Beautiful Wood Nymph (Eudryas grata,
subfamily Agarastinae), Durham, 8/11/06. Also looks like a bird
dropping. |
Beautiful Wood
Nymph, Durham, NC, 8/1/11. Photo taken at night. |
Hag Moths
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC, 7/15/07. |
Another moth
(Tarache tetragona), on a pokeweed stem at the Flat River Impoundment,
Durham, NC on 8/15/10. |
Giant Swallowtail
(Papilio cresphontes) caterpillar,
about 5 mm long. Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, MS, 10/16/10 |
Leafhopper (Scaphoideus genus) nymph, Durham, NC, 5/21/21. Very tiny, looking like a black-and-white spot. |
Bird dropping, Durham, NC, 5/31/20 |
The fading flower look
Ambush Bug,
Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 9/17/08.
At a distance, this insect looks like a wilted flower on this type of
plant. When there only seems to be one on the entire plant, it's
almost always an Ambush Bug. |
This Ambush Bug has
turned green to suit the occasion. Durham, NC, 8/23/08 |
Mighty like a lichen
Deep-yellow Euchlaena
(Euchlaena amoenaria) Moth, Durham, NC, 5/1/07.
It looks like some lichens (see right). |
Lichen, Johnston
Mill Nature Preserve, 12/27/09 |
Camouflage: These animals, on the other hand, blend in with their natural background.
Northern Pine Sphinx (Lapara
Bombycoides), Appalachian Trail, Botetourt County, VA, 9/15/04.
This is only one of the many species of caterpillars that feed on pine
needles. |
Tulip Tree Beauty
Moth on a tree trunk, Penny's Bend Nature Reserve, Durham County, NC, 8/23/05. |
(Vella americanum), Carolina Beach State Park, New Hanover County, NC,
6/25/08. between 2 and 3 inches long. Obvious camouflage: if
you don't click on the thumbnail, you really can't appreciate this one! |
Immature Ghost Crab (Ocypode quadrata).
This crab has adapted its markings to the sandy environment. |
Immature Ghost Crab,
Ft. Fisher, New Hanover County, NC, 10/20/05.
This crab is matching its pattern to another type of sand. |
Magnolia Green
Jumping Spider (Lyssomanes
viridis, subfamily Lyssomaninae), outdoor trail at the North Carolina Museum
of Art, Wake County, NC, 5/8/07 |
Small crayfish in a puddle left over from a creek during a drought.
Durham, NC, 9/5/09 |
Southern Leopard Frog
(Rana sphenocephala), near Albemarle Sound, Tyrrell County,
NC, 9/24/04. This frog seems at home in places with a lot of sickly
grass. |
Northern Cricket Frog
(Acris crepitans),
Indian Creek Trail,
Chatham County, NC, 4/10/05, in the woods far from the Jordan Lake
shore. |
Northern Cricket Frog
(Acris crepitans),
Penny's Bend Nature
Preserve, Durham County, NC, 10/21/06. This frog was very far from
water, on the side of a very tall hill in the woods, although it looks
as though it would be at home in an environment with moss or algae. It did get the
mottled look right, though. |
Female Eastern Fence Lizard, Johnston
Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC, 4/18/10 |
Green Anole (Anolis
Ocracoke, Hyde County, NC, 5/15/05. When
green, anoles are well-disguised among grass and succulent plants. |
This Loíza (Puerto Rico)
anole demonstrated very effective camouflage on 10/12/06. |
Whitish tiger beetle (Cicindela gratiosa), Carolina
Beach State Park, New Hanover County, NC, 6/23/06. It was
springing around like a fly, and all I could see was motion at first. ID thanks to Patrick Coin of
Durham, NC. |
American Toad (Bufo
americanus), Eno River
SP, 5/2/03. Superb camouflage! This toad blends in well with the
forest floor, a combination of small, relatively unhealthy green plants and dead leaves. |
White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), Mason Farm
Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 1/5/12. |
This Killdeer
at Cedar Point in Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, MS, 1/11/09, blended in
well with some rocks, where it fled on seeing people. |
Eastern Towhee
(Pipilo erythrophthalmus),
12/5/08. Towhees look for insects and seeds on
the ground, and are well hidden among dead leaves of various shades. |
Brown Creeper
(Certhia americana), subfamily Certhiinae), Durham, NC,
1/31/09. This bird looks like a hunk of tree
bark. |
Mallard family,
Durham, NC, 4/13/08 |
Fishfly (Corydalidae family), hiding on the underside of a tree branch,
Cambden County (just north of Elizabeth City), NC, 4/27/09. This
is a large insect (about 2 inches long). |
Barn Swallow
(Hirundo rustica)
about to fly under the Pasquotank River Bridge between Pasquotank and
Camden Counties, NC, 4/27/09. The blue blends in well with the
bodies of water they are always near when they fly, but their brown
"faces" are what show when they're in their nests, which are built on
sides of walls. |
Female Northern Flicker
(Colaptes auratus), showing a rear view of the head. Durham, NC,
3/19/09. Generally seen in my neighborhood in the early spring, this
bird blends in well with mostly bare
tree branches and Red Maple blossoms. |
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroaura), Durham, NC,
11/1/06. This bird is relatively well-hidden in an environment of
gravel, soil and dead leaves. |
Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga), Audubon Swamp Garden, Charleston
County, SC, 3/28/06. Its black-and-white coloring helps this bird
hide in trees even in the winter. |
Male American
Goldfinch among Common Sneezeweed, Flat River Impoundment, Durham
County, NC, 8/7/11 |
White-tailed Deer
(Odocoileus virginianus) family, Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC, 4/13/06.
There's a big deer on the right and a small one on the left. |
A somewhat more visible
White-tailed Deer,
Great Dismal Swamp State Park, Camden County, NC, 12/19/08. |
A crambid snout moth (Epipagis
huronalis), Flat River Impoundment, Durham, NC, 8/15/10. This moth
is shaped like the two Common Sneezeweed petals it's perched on. ID thanks to
Maury J. Heiman |
A Common Oak Moth
(Phoberia atomaris) managed to slip under a pine needle and part of a
leaf in a split-second landing at the North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC,
3/17/11. These moths
were very common in this area that day, but extremely fast-moving and
often impossible to see when they landed. I got this photo by
aiming the camera where I saw the moth land, without actually seeing it! |
Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum), partially hidden under rotted wood.
Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC, 3/23/11 |
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (Hemaris
thisbe), Durham, 8/3/03. Note the distinctive green thorax and
red-brown abdomen and wings. Note how the flowers show through the
clear parts of the wings. |
Male Calico Pennant
(Celithemis elisa), Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham, NC, 5/20/10.
Even with a few spots on them, the wings are very hard to see. |
Camouflage mistakes:
Sometimes animals either fail to adjust their skin
to the right color or pick the wrong background.
Gray Treefrog
chrysoscelus) or Copes' Gray Treefrog
(Hyla versicolor), Durham, NC,
7/27/08. This frog's problem may be due to malnutrition or
illness, since "gray" treefrogs are normally not all gray. |
Northern Cricket Frog
(Acris crepitans),
White Pines Natural Area, Chatham County, NC,
9/25/05. It's really hard to imagine what this frog was thinking. |
Looks like a brown
Green Treefrog
(Hyla Cinerea).
10/18/06. Seen in a power line cut near a creek.
Since it was late in the year, near the end of insect season, the frog
may have been malnourished. |
Animals that rely on camouflage have special difficulties
adapting to artificially produced environments, especially those with solid
colors or those simply not found in certain natural environments.
Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis),
Ft. Fisher State Recreational Area,
New Hanover County, NC, 10/12/06. You can see some pigment changes
on the head and tail, resulting in four different colors. |
(Tree?)Stink Bug (Brochymena
quadripustulata) on a bulletin board at Mason
Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 11/14/07. It hides
easily on tree bark, unlike in this setting, a bulletin board. |
Rough Stink Bug
(Brochymena arborea),
Durham, NC, 11/9/10, on a painted wall, with some peeling of the paint
evident. |
(Copes?) Gray Treefrog
(Hyla genus),
Durham, NC, 10/13/08, on the rim of a brown
plastic garbage can. This is a normal, healthy frog. During
droughts, these frogs jump into rain-collecting containers, swim around
and leave without difficulty. But they do stand out in this
environment! |
Common Buckeye
butterfly (Junonia coenia), on a car at Freeman Park, Carolina Beach, NC, 10/19/05.
The beach is no place for this butterfly, which has the deep brown color
of mid-winter fallen leaves. |
Sometimes camouflage works against the animal's
interest, most notably with dark gravel pavement.
Blister Beetle
(Lytta aenea), probably not in great shape. Despite the red legs,
it's not easy to see and risks being stepped on. |
Some insects hide under a cover of their own
Green lacewing larva, hiding under a large white mass
which typically includes everything from leaf trichomes (hairlike projections) to
dead insects. Durham, NC, 6/11/09. It was pinching me at the
time, apparently trying to gather more material. |
Another view of
this Green Lacewing larva, showing more clearly the bodies of its
previous prey, including what looks like a large bug nymph,
Durham, NC, 6/11/09 |
Flatid Planthopper
nymph, Durham, NC, 7/6/07, eyes a leg showing on the top. These hide
under a cottony substance they excrete from their abdomens. |
Acanalonid planthopper nymph, producing a similar white substance to that
shown on the left.
Durham, NC, 7/7/08. As with flatid planthoppers, these nymphs gather in tight groups,
apparently rubbing this substance on one another. |
Clavate Tortoise
Beetle (Plagiometriona clavata) larva, Durham, NC, 7/6/07. This insect hides under
its own fecal matter. |
Casebearer beetle larva
(Cryptocephalinae subfamily, Chrysomelidae family), Jordan Lake
Gameland, Chatham County, NC, 6/19/07, hiding under an imposing
tower of its own fecal matter. You can see the little legs at
the bottom. |
Müllerian Mimicry:
they are dangerous and let you know it
Actually, this is the real article: warnings given by these
colors and patterns should be heeded. It's not really mimicry, but that's
the official term!
insects (wasps and bees) shown below announce with their yellow-and-black stripes that they
possess venomous post-abdominal stingers, and they
are telling the truth.
European Honeybee (Apis
mellifera, subfamily Apinae, family Apidae), Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, Wake
County, NC, 3/17/06. |
Cicada Killer (Sphecius speciosus,
Handlirschiina subgenus, Bembicini tribe, Bembicinae subfamily), Durham, NC, 8/1/08 |
Yellow Jackets (Vespula vulgaris) mating.
Durham, NC, 11/20/08 |
Yes, wasps have predators, although you don't hear
about them too much. This robber fly is
subduing a hornet with what seems like very
unflylike behavior: note the hornet's
stinger. Duke Forest Gate #12, Durham, NC, 8/23/06. |
Cuckoo Bee (Nomada genus, Heminomada subgenus, most likely Imbricata
species). ID thanks to John S. Ascher. |
Crabronid wasp (Philanthus
gibbosus), NC Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC, 8/28/06. This
is a predator of halictid bees. |
Ichneumonid Wasp, Durham, 10/29/05. Members of the
Ichneumonidae family |
Tiphiid wasps (Myzinum genus), Carolina Beach State
Park, New Hanover County, NC, 6/23/07,
struggling to get into one little hole in the sand. |
Wasp (Scolia
nobilitata). NOTE: The ITIS does not list the species nobilitata. |
Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa virginica), Museum of Life and Science grounds, Durham, NC, 4/23/09 |
Batesian Mimicry: sheep in wolves' clothing
These insects can't sting, but
they'd like you to believe they can. The insects in these two rows mimic stinging prey of common
Yellow and black
stripes in these animals mislead predators into thinking that they sting.
Plasterer Bees (Colletes thoracicus), Johnston Mill Nature
Preserve, Orange County, NC, 3/14/08. |
Male Ornate Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus ornatus), North
Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC, 5/24/07 |
Female Robber Fly (Promachus
rufipes), Eno River SP, Old Cole Mill
Road access, 8/17/05. |
Robber Fly (Laphria divisor), Cox Mountain Trail,
Eno River State Park, Orange County, NC, 5/6/07, imitates bumblebees and
carpenter bees. |
Snowberry Clearwing Moth (Hemaris diffinis), Durham, 8/20/03. Another bumblebee mimic. |
Southern Bee Killer (Mallophora orcina, subfamily Asilinae), Carolina
Beach State Park, New Hanover County, NC, 10/12/06. Another kind of
robber fly looking like a bumblebee. |
Syrphid Fly (Temnostoma balyras, subtribe Philippimyiina, tribe
Milesiini), Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, Orange County, NC, 5/11/07 |
Flower Fly (Syrphus genus, Syrphinae subfamily), Boone, Watauga County, 8/31/05.
A hornet imitator. |
Flower fly (Helophilus fasciatus), NC Botanical
Garden, Orange County, NC, 10/20/06. Another flavor of hornet
imitation. |
Locust Borer Beetle (Megacyllene robiniae, subfamily Cerambycinae),
Boone, Watauga County, NC, 8/29/05. |
A few interesting variations on the
yellow-and-black stripes theme...
Crablike Spiny Orb
Weaver (Gasterocanthis cancriformis), Carolina Beach State Park, New
Hanover County, NC, 6/23/06. A little different: spikes and no stripes. |
Zebra Longwing (Heliconius charithonia).
Across the street from the East Campus of Duke University, Durham, NC,
10/4/04. Its natural habit is in the tropics, so its mimicry is
probably less effective here, as the apparent bite out of the left wing
suggests. |
Garden Spider (Argiope fasciata),
Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange
County, NC, 10/17/07
Dorsal view. |
More Müllerian
Mimicry: red and black, but not friend of Jack
Red or orange with black is a warning of
poison. All of the below, as does the Monarch Butterfly, eat the
alkaloid-rich milkweed family members, which give them a bitter taste.
Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle (Labidomera
clivicollis), Eno River State Park, Orange County, NC,
10/9/06 |
Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii [Stal, 1874]),
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC, 3/2/08. |
Large Milkweed Bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus)
nymphs, NC Botanical Garden,
Orange County, 11/26/05 |
Milkweed Assassin Bug (Zelus longipes), Ocracoke, Hyde County, NC,
5/11/09 |
Like the milkweed-eaters, these animals are genuinely
poisonous, but they inject venom with bites or stings.
Cowkiller (Dasymutilla occidentalis), Mason
Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 9/1/07. The Cowkiller
is infamous for its painful sting. |
Male and female Black Widow Spiders. |
Black Widow spiderling, one of a large group near
a rock crevice on a power line cut in Durham, NC, 10/15/08. |
Braconid wasp (Atanycolus genus), Cypress Gardens, Berkeley County, SC, 10/12/07
Caterpillar Hunter (Ammophila genus), Greenville, NC,
9/20/08 |
Batesian Mimicry: red and black (sometimes with white)
There are many insects and some
spiders in this group. In the first row, we see the fancy ones: the first
two can look green instead of black in direct light. The others sport
multiple white stripes.
Since there are so many red and
black insects, this might also serve as an abridged identification guide to this
large, confusing group.
flower beetle (Collops genus). Seen in neighborhood marsh.
Durham, NC, 8/23/08 |
Florida Predatory Stink Bug (Euthyrhynchus floridanus [Linnaeus, 1767]), Durham, NC, 11/9/09 |
Picture-winged Fly (Tritoxa incurva), Durham, NC, 9/7/09 |
foliage ground beetle (Lebia vittata,
tribe Lebiini, subfamily Harpalinae), Durham, NC, 9/7/08. This
beetle is a carnivore, even though it's on a leaf. |
Flea Beetle
(Disonycha genus, Alticini tribe), Durham, NC, 4/19/06. This beetle was
visiting a dandelion. |
Burdock Beetle (Leptinotarsa juncta). Same beetle, playing dead. Close to looking like a
Colorado Potato Beetle, but no cigar: the broad black stripe and the
thorax markings set it apart. It is an herbivore, but not a crop pest. |
Male jumping spider (Phidippus whitmani), at Abbott Lake, Peaks of Otter Recreational Area,
Bedford County, VA, 7/9/09 |
Ladybug beetle, Cycloneda
munda, Johnston Mill Nature
Preserve, Orange County, NC, 6/4/08 |
Crablike Spiny Orb Weaver
(Gastrocantha cancriformis), Carolina Beach State Park, New Hanover County, NC,
6/23/07. With its spines, this spider could go in the "monster"
category, too. |
Long-horned beetle
(Euderces pini, Tillomorphini tribe, Cerambycinae subfamily), Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill Road
access, 4/4/07 |
Spots, whether red on black or vice versa, are
a common sight. All of these animals are designed to ward off predators:
they are all herbivorous except for the Ladybug Beetle, whose black-spotted red
expanse towers, out of sight, over its tiny aphid prey.
Convergent Ladybug Beetle (Hippodamia convergens), Durham, NC, 9/13/08. Found in a power
line cut. |
Male shining leaf beetle (Neolema
sexpunctata), Durham, NC, 7/1/07 |
Weevil (Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus), Durham, 7/8/08 |
Flea beetle (Capraita sexmaculata, Alticini tribe, Galerucinae
subfamily, Chrysomelidae family). A kind of leaf beetle. |
Two-lined Leatherwing Beetle (Atalantycha bilineata), Durham, NC, 4/17/09 |
Cylindrical Leaf beetle (Babia quadriguttata, tribe Clytrini), Durham, 6/2/06. |
Leaf beetle (Cryptocephalus
quadruplex, subfamily Cryptocephalinae), Durham, 5/17/08. Very
tiny. |
Twice-stabbed Ladybug
Beetle (Chilocorus stigma),
American Tobacco Trail, Durham, NC, 5/19/08. There is another red spot
on the right side (rear view). |
Tumbling flower
beetle (Hoshihananomia octopunctata), Durham, NC, 8/11/08. |
These mostly very young animals are almost all red, with small
amounts of black.
Leaffooted Bug nymph, Durham, 6/6/05. This bug appeared on my car for no
apparent reason. An early instar. |
Early instar leaffooted bug nymphs! Johnston Mill Nature
Preserve, Orange County, NC, 5/31/07. They grow up to be brown,
but late instar nymphs are gray. |
Red-shouldered Bug nymph (Jadera haematoloma), Raulston
Arboretum, Raleigh, NC, 6/9/06. |
Mirid bug nymph, Penny's Bend, Durham County, NC, 5/5/06. This bug was
about ¼ inch long without the antennae. |
Plant Bug (Halticoma valida) nymph, Durham, NC, 6/17/09. Very
tiny, no more than 1 mm long |
Adult velvet mite (Trombidiidae family), Eno River State Park, Orange
County, NC, 10/26/09. This predator (a former parasite as a nymph) was
unusually large for its type at about 2 mm long. |
Adult Golden Net-winged Beetle (Dictyopterus aurora),
American Tobacco Trail (Mile 5), Durham, NC, 2/26/09. A fairly
large, showy beetle, it's anomalous in this group. |
And this young animal's species is unique here,
its members containing tetrodotoxin, the same poison that makes the notorious Japanese puffer
fish so deadly, but this does not protect them from certain wily (and dexterous)
predators, according to Eisner (2003).
Red-spotted Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens), red eft stage,
Appalachian Trail, Macon County, 8/18/04. Red spells "poisonous"
in nature's lexicon, but when this baby newt grows up, it'll have to rely on its wits to survive,
since it'll be mostly brown with a few small red spots. |
These three red-and-black arthropods all mimic
one another; none attacks humans (but please don't eat them in any case...)
Love Bug (Plecia nearctica), Durham, NC, 5/4/08. |
Argid Sawfly (Arge genus, quidia or scapularus species), Mason Farm
Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 5/21/09. |
Red-spotted Ant Mimic Spider (Castianeira descripta), Durham, 5/18/08 |
Grapeleaf Skeletonizer (Harrisina americana),
outside at the Museum of Life & Science, Durham, 6/6/05. This is a
notorious agricultural pest. |
Here is a very miscellaneous group that also would
make easy prey without their distinctive colors. Although Boxelder Bug
nymphs are lively, even they are handicapped by their winglessness.
Very well-fed Wheel Bug (Arilus cristatus) nymph, Durham, NC, 5/10/08.
This formidable creature can stand up to anything but droughts. |
Boxelder Bug (Boisea trivittata) nymph, Durham, NC, 5/6/09 |
Adult Boxelder Bug (Boisea
trivittata), Durham,
NC, 11/18/07. Now that it has wings, this bug doesn't need nearly
as much red! |
Mirid Bug (Lopidea genus),
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham, NC, 5/24/08 |
Largus Bug (Largus succinctus [Linnaeus, 1763]), Goose Creek
State Park, Beaufort County, NC, 11/6/07. A seed eater. ID with reference to Texas Cooperative Extension/Texas A&M University System. |
Pselliopus cinctus (a kind of assassin bug), which appeared on my garage door frame in
Durham on 1/25/10. |
Yucca Plant
Bug (Halticotoma valida), on agave plant at NC Botanical
Garden, 11/21/07. This is a tiny insect, only about 2 mm long. |