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Phylum Nematomorpha

Horsehair Worms (Gordius genus, Gordioidea superfamily)

Horsehair worms parasitize some insects (most notably, crickets), spiders, and woodlice.  As microscopic larvae (or eggs?), they are ingested by these insects and escape as adults, perhaps by exiting their digestive tracts, when that insect lands in water.  These worms are believed to alter the brains of their hosts so that they will be motivated to leap into water -- and to refrain from chirping.  I guess if the crickets are silent, the worms are at work.

Horsehair worm, Durham, NC, 1/4/20 Same horsehair worm          


Horsehair worms, probably mating. Durham, NC, 11/30/20.  The male (dark, more slender, on the right) seizes the female. Another pair of horsehair worms, probably mating.  Durham, NC, 11/30/20 Female horsehair worm, Durham, NC, 1/26/21 Male horsehair worm, Durham, NC, 1/26/21          


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