True Bugs (suborder Heteroptera, order Hemiptera, infraclass Neoptera, subclass Pterygota, class Insecta, subphylum Hexapoda, phylum Arthropoda, kingdom Animalia)
Identifying characteristics of
True Bugs are 1) a versatile
(piercing, injecting digestive enzymes, sucking) beak attached to a small head
and 2) forewings that are half hardened (as are beetles' wing covers), and half
membrane, the material best for flying. True Bugs overwinter as adults here,
hiding under fallen leaves. But they often make their appearance late in
the year on warm days, often on black surfaces, especially when leaves are
Immature True Bugs are called "nymphs" because they experience incomplete
metamorphosis. This means that they don't become pupae: one molt
changes a nymph into an adult. However, nymphs go through usually five stages,
distinguished by molts, called instars before they become adults. This
is where True Bug identification is most challenging, because their appearance
undergoes major changes with these molts. For example, although adult
Green Stink Bugs are solid green as adults, they have elaborate red and black
patterns as first-instar nymphs.
True bugs in North Carolina aren't dangerous unless handled. Like all animals with
natural weapons, they will fight back if attacked and if flight isn't an option.
I've never smelled a stink bug or been stabbed by the beak of an assassin bug,
but I've heard complaints about these experiences. However, the Triatoma
genus (a member of the Reduviidae assassin bug family), endemic in tropical
parts of Latin America, spreads a parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, among mammals.
This parasite causes a serious and common infection (human American
trypanosomiasis) originally named for its discoverer,
Carlos Chagas, who used a revolutionary combination of study in the lab
and in the field to give a complete account of the cause and course of the
disease in 1910. Although he is generally recognized today as deserving of
the Nobel Prize, for which he was the only nominee in 1921, he was denied the
prize because of
these apparent political factors.
The validity of all classifications were checked against
the contents of the
Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
All classifications are tentative, as they are on every page of this website.
Stink Bugs
(family Pentatomidae,
superfamily Pentatomoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Some stink bugs are predators (Aesopinae subfamily), while members of most
species are herbivorous
(Pentatominae subfamily). The Spined Soldier Bug is an economically
important predator; the Brown Stink Bug, the Green Stink Bug, the Southern Green
Stink Bug and the Rice Stink Bug are all economically important crop pests.
This is not entirely related to sheer numbers: in Durham, NC, the Menecles
insertus stink bug is by far the most common, but apparently gets along without
eating crops. Note the shoulder-like "pronotum" and the large triangular
scutellum (the Latin word for "shield"), which characterize adults of this family.
To see some Stink Bug predation (on Colorado Potato Beetle
larvae) photos, see Mike Tetzlaff's page.
Florida Predatory Stink Bug
(Euthyrhynchus floridanus), Aesopinae subfamily
Florida Predatory Stink Bug (Euthyrhynchus floridanus [Linnaeus, 1767]) nymph, Durham, NC, 6/10/09 |
Florida Predatory Stink Bug 5th instar (note the separate scutella and wing pads), Fort Fisher Recreational Area,
New Hanover County, NC, 8/27/03.
Florida Predatory Stink Bug (Euthyrhynchus
floridanus [Linnaeus, 1767]) adult, Durham, NC, 6/26/10 |
Spined Soldier Bug (Podisus maculiventris),
Aesopinae subfamily
A first instar Spined Soldier Bug nymph is apparently attacking a treehopper
(Telamona decorata).
Durham, NC, 5/6/09. |
First-instar Spined Soldier Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/15/16 |
First-instar Spined Soldier Bug nymph with caterpillar prey, Durham, NC, 4/23/21 |
A third instar Spined Soldier Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/27/12. Species ID thanks to Ken
Wolgemuth. |
Maybe another third instar Spined Soldier Bug nymph, with beak out. Durham, NC, 6/11/19 |
Spined Soldier Bug
(Podisus maculiventris [Say, 1832]) adult, Durham,
6/18/05. This is an especially important predator. Notice how the membranous parts of the wings
overlap at the rear, just behind the triangle-shaped "scutellum" in
the front. According to
Podisus Online, this bug has proved
its effectiveness in controlling the Southern Green Stink Bug, as well
as the Colorado Potato Beetle and several Noctuidae family moth
caterpillars. |
Anchor Stink Bug (Stiretrus anchorago), Aesopinae subfamily
Anchor Stink Bug, Durham, NC, 6/18/21. ID thanks to Ken Wolgemuth. |
Same Anchor Stink Bug, Durham, NC, 6/18/21. |
Anchor Stink Bug, South Tar River Greenway, Greenville, Pitt County, NC, 10/23/21 |
Same Anchor Stink Bug |
Green Stink Bug (Chinavia hilaris),
Nezarini tribe, Pentatominae subfamily
NOTE: Acrosternum hilare is no longer the species name for North American Green Stink Bugs, though it remains so for those in Europe.
Green Stink Bug adult, Durham, NC, 1/4/17 |
Stink Bug adult, Durham, NC, 9/20/11 |
Green Stink Bug nymph, third instar, Little Scaly Mountain, Macon County, NC, 8/11/05. |
Green Stink Bug nymph, fourth instar, Blue Ridge Parkway shoulder, between Boone and the Linn Cove Viaduct, NC, 8/17/15. ID confirmed by Ken Wolgemuth. |
Green Stink Bug nymph, fourth instar, Durham, NC, 10/9/20 |
Green Stink Bug nymph (5th instar), Durham, NC, 10/16/21 |
Green Stink Bug nymph, fourth instar, Sandy Creek Park, Durham, NC, 10/14/12 |
Green Stink bug nymph, fifth instar, appeared on San Antonio River bank. San
Antonio, Bexar County, TX, 5/28/10. A later instar. |
Green Stink Bug nymph, fifth instar but with cold damage, Durham, NC, 11/14/21 |
Green Stink Bug nymph, which landed on me. Durham, NC, 7/1/22 |
Green Stink Bug nymph, fifth instar, Moses Cone Memorial Park, Watauga County,
NC, 8/31/05. |
Red-shouldered Stink Bug (Thyanta custator)
Red-shouldered Stink bug (Thyanta genus, Thyanta subgenus, custator species). Yes, the pink markings are characteristic of this species! Subgenus ID thanks to Andrew Meed. Species ID thanks to Vassily Belov. |
Rough (or Tree) Stink Bugs (Brochymena genus, Halyini
tribe, Pentatominae subfamily)
Rough Stink Bug (Brochymena quadripustulata), Durham, NC, 10/29/13 |
Rough Stink
Bug (Brochymena quadripustulata) nymph, Durham, NC, 8/25/09 |
Rough Stink Bug (Brochymena
quadripustulata) is apparently the most common species), Mason Farm Biological
Reserve, Orange County, NC, 11/14/07. |
Tree Stink Bug
(Brochymena arborea),
Durham, NC, 11/9/10 |
Rough Stink Bug (Brochymena carolinensis), Durham, NC, 4/15/10 |
Stink Bug nymph, Boone, NC, 8/4/08. Seen in woods on Boone Green
Way Trail. |
Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (Halyomorpha halys, Cappeini tribe, Pentatominae subfamily)
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Durham, NC, 5/8/22 |
Pentatomini tribe, Pentatominae subfamily
Brown Stink Bug (Euschistus genus)
Brown Stink Bug, Durham, NC, 7/7/20 |
Brown Stink Bug, Durham, NC, 7/2/20 |
Brown Stink Bug (Euschistus genus), Durham, NC, 6/7/12 |
Brown Stink Bug (Euschistus genus [Say, 1832]), Durham, 10/18/06. |
Brown Stink Bug (Euschistus genus [Say, 1832]), Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC, 4/25/07 |
Brown Stink Bug, Durham, NC, 5/29/08 |
Stink bug (Euschistus ictericus), Durham, NC, 8/21/06. Seen on cattail in my
neighborhood swamp. ID thanks to
Vassily Belov.
First-instar Brown Stink Bug nymphs
and eggs, Durham, NC, 5/19/15 |
Well-camouflaged Brown Stink Bug nymph, late instar, on a Common Dandelion seedhead. |
Brown Stink Bug nymph, late instar, Durham, NC, 6/11/09. Species ID thanks to Forestry Images image # 1242034 |
Brown Stink Bug nymph, late instar, Durham, NC, 5/31/24 |
Menecles insertus [Say, 1832]
Stink bug
(Menecles insertus), Durham, NC, 1/1/15 |
Stink bug (Menecles insertus [Say, 1832]), Durham,
2/9/06. Thanks to Eric Eaton for ID. These bugs are
relatively common here in the Research Triangle area. But their
relative unimportance agriculturally has made them a very obscure
species. |
Stink bug (Menecles insertus) nymph, Durham, NC,
5/16/08 |
Mormidea lugens [Fabricius, 1775]
Stink bug (Mormidea lugens), Durham, NC, 5/17/20 |
Stink bug (Mormidea lugens [Fabricius, 1775), Duke Forest, Korstian
Division, Orange County, NC, 6/11/06. This little critter was
about ¼ inch long.. |
Stink Bug (Mormidea lugens, Carpocorini tribe, Pentatominae subfamily),
appeared near the Visitor Center. |
Stink bug nymph (Mormidea
lugens). ID thanks to Brandon Woo.
Durham, NC, 6/16/12 |
Stink bug (Mormidea lugens) nymph, Durham, NC, 6/23/22 |
Rice Stink Bugs
(Oebalus pugnax [Fabricius, 1775])
Rice Stink Bugs mating, Durham, NC, 7/2/12 |
Rice Stink Bug, Durham,
This bug attacks rice and sorghum, but lives as a nymph on wild grasses,
including marsh vegetation, as shown here. |
Rice Stink Bug, Durham, NC, 6/17/22 |
Rice Stink
Bug, Durham, NC, 4/25/08 |
Rice Stink Bugs: two
mating pairs, Durham, NC, 6/19/13. |
Rice Stink
Bug nymph, with wing pads, dorsal view, Durham, NC, 7/18/09. Seen
in a marsh. |
Banasa genus, Pentatomini tribe, Pentatominae subfamily
Stink bug (Banasa calva [Stal, 1860]), Durham, 3/2/06,
9:28 pm. ID based on Marshall (2006), p. 112. |
Stink Bug (Banasa dimiata), Eno River State
Park, Orange County, NC, 7/22/09 |
Carpocorini tribe, Pentatominae subfamily
Stink bug (Cosmopepla lintneriana),
McAfee's Knob, Roanoke, VA, 6/15/11 |
Black Stink Bug (Proxys punctulatis), Durham, NC, 6/14/20 |
Stink bug nymph, Pentatomidae family, superfamily Pentatomoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha
Stink bug nymph, early instar, Durham, NC, 6/21/21 |
Acanthosomatid Bugs (Acanthosomatidae
family, superfamily Pentatomoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Shield bug (Elasmucha genus),
with parasitic mite attached. Blue Ridge Parkway (Milepost 296),
Caldwell County, NC, 8/5/08 |
Shield-backed Bugs (family Scutelleridae,
superfamily Pentatomoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
The large scutellum of the adult bug takes up its entire back.
At first glance, though, it looks as though it lacks one altogether!
Shield-backed bug
(Homaemus parvulus), Durham, NC, 7/27/08.
About 5 mm long. |
Shield-backed Pine Seed Bug
(Tetyra bipunctata), Ft. Fisher State Recreation Area, New
hanover County, NC, 12/3/12 |
Shield-backed bug, Durham,
NC, 11/12/12 |
Shield-backed Bug,
Durham, NC, 5/7/08 |
Burrower Bugs
(family Cydnidae, superfamily Pentatomoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
These bugs burrow underground and live on plant roots, but
apparently climb up on plants, too. Their numbers are apparently not great
enough for them to be considered pests.
Burrower Bug (Pangaeus bilineatus), Durham, 8/24/07. This bug was about 5 mm
long. |
Mating White-lined Burrower Bugs
(Sehira cinctus), Daniel Boone Gardens, Boone, Watauga County, NC, 8/5/08. |
White-lined Burrower Bug Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, Wake
County, NC, 3/17/06. About ¼ inch
long. Not sure why a member of this family would be high up on a plant. Thanks to Eric Eaton for
ID. This picture was included in Wezi G. Mhango's
Field Guide Contribution for CSS 360, a Crop and Soil Science course at Michigan State University.
This guide explains the role of True Bugs in soil ecology. |
White-lined Burrower Bug on Herbwilliam, Durham, NC, 7/3/22 |
White-lined Burrower Bug (Sehira cinctus), Durham, NC, 7/7/22 |
White-lined Burrower Bug nymph (Sehira cinctus), Durham, 5/18/05 |
Ebony Bugs
Thyreocoridae, superfamily Pentatomoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Bug, Durham, NC, 6/8/09. Most likely Corimelaena obscura because of its round shape and small head. |
Ebony bug (Corimelaena pulicaria), Durham, NC, 6/17/20 |
Ebony bug (Corimelaena pulicaria), Durham, NC, 5/23/21 |
Ebony bug (Galgupha genus), Durham, NC, 6/13/20 |
Kudzu Bugs or Bean Plataspid Bugs (Plataspidae family, superfamily Pentatomoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Kudzu Bugs, native to China and India, were first seen in northeastern Georgia in 2009, and entered North Carolina in 2011. They seem to adjust their color to their surroundings.
Kudzu Bug (Megacopta cribraria), downtown Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC, 1/23/12 |
Kudzu Bug (Megacopta cribraria), side view, Durham, NC, 8/1/19 |
Kudzu Bug (Megacopta cribraria), side view, Durham, NC, 7/26/21 |
Flat Bugs (family Aradidae,
superfamily Aradoidea,infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Stilt Bugs (family Berytidae, superfamily Lygaeoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Stilt Bugs (Jalysus wickhami), Durham, NC, 7/1/07. You can
see the beak on the left one in the large image. They showed up in
the little marsh near a power line cut in my neighborhood. They
touched each other and seemed to be communicating. |
Stilt Bug, Penny's Bend, 10/15/05 |
Stilt Bug, Indian Creek Trail, a Jordan Lake Game Land,
Chatham County, NC, 7/7/06 |
Stilt Bug,
Durham, NC, 8/30/06 |
Stilt Bug, Durham, NC, 5/14/21 |
Chinch Bugs (family Blissidae, superfamily Lygaeoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
These are known corn pests, but they apparently can get along on cattails.
Chinch Bug (Blissus leucopterus) on a cattail leaf, about 2 mm long. Durham,
NC, 7/30/10 |
Chinch Bug (Blissus leucopterus), on the
tip of an agave leaf. About 1-2 mm long. Bay St. Louis,
Hancock County, MS, 10/16/10. |
Chinch Bug (Blissus leucopterus). Cypress Gardens, Berkeley County,
SC, 10/13/07. Very tiny (2 mm long): it
looked like a fly at first.
Big-Eyed Bugs (Family Geocoridae, superfamily Lygaeoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Big-eyed bug (Geocoris
uliginosus), Durham, NC, 10/22/10, about 3 mm long |
bug (Geocoris uliginosus) on moss rose, Durham, NC, 8/3/14 |
Seed Bugs (Family Lygaeidae, superfamily
Lygaeoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Milkweed Bugs are similar to Monarch Butterflies in that they
use the poisons from the milkweed plant as a defense against predators and warn
of this danger to them with their coloring.
Large Milkweed Bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus, subfamily Lygaeinae)
Milkweed Bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus [Dallas, 1852])
on a milkweed pod, Occoneechee Mountain State
Natural Area, 10/4/07. Note the fuzzy surface of the pod. |
Large Milkweed Bug,
NC Arboretum, Asheville, NC, 7/8/05. It appears to have lost its
right forewing and the left one is unusually pale. |
Large Milkweed Bug, apparently a nymph. Fort Fisher, New Hanover County, NC, 6/22/06 |
Large Milkweed Bug nymphs, NC Botanical Garden, Orange County, 11/26/05 |
Milkweed Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/29/21 |
Large Milkweed Bug nymphs, NC Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC, 8/11/04 |
Ochrimnus lineoloides, subfamily Lygaeinae
Seed bug (Ochrimnus lineoloides), Durham, NC, 5/31/20 |
Milkweed Bugs (Lygaeus kalmii, subfamily Lygaeinae)
Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii [Stal, 1874]),
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC, 3/2/08. |
Small Milkweed Bug, NC Botanical Garden, 8/17/06.
Same Small Milkweed Bug, NC Botanical Garden, 8/17/06.
White-crossed Seed
Bugs (Neacoryphus bicrucis, subfamily Lygaeinae)
White-crossed Seed Bug (Neacoryphus bicrucis [Say, 1825], subfamily Lygaeinae), Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC, 5/23/06 |
Sycamore Seed Bugs (Belonochilus numenius, subfamily Orsillinae)
Sycamore Seed Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/9/21 |
Sycamore Seed Bug, Durham, NC, 12/26/23 |
Sycamore Seed Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 3/9/23 |
Sycamore Seed Bug, about 15 mm long, Durham, NC, 4/25/12. ID thanks to
Vassily Belov. |
California False Chinch Bugs (Xyonysius californicus, subfamily Orsillinae)
California False Chinch Bugs mating, Durham, NC 9/20/24 |
Kleidocerys genus, subfamily Ischnorhynchinae
Seed bug nymph (Kleidocerys genus), Durham, NC, 2/17/21. ID thanks to Ken Wolgemuth. |
Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae), Durham, NC, 1/15/24 |
Pachygronthidae family, superfamily Lygaeoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Pachygronthid bug (Oedancala dorsalis), Durham, NC, 4/16/22 |
(Oedancala dorsalis), Durham, NC,
7/29/07. This bug was about 8 mm long. Found in a power line
cut near a small marsh in my neighborhood. |
Pachygronthid bug
(Oedancala dorsalis), Durham, NC, 2/16/21 |
(Oedancala dorsalis), Durham, NC, 6/29/09 |
Pachygronthid bug nymph on fleabane seedhead, Durham, NC, 7/4/21 |
Pachygronthid bug (Oedancala genus) nymph on awl-sedge, Durham, NC, 6/24/16. ID thanks to Brandon Woo. |
Rhyparochromid Seed Bugs (Rhyparochromidae family, superfamily Lygaeoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Rhyparochromid bug, which looked very much like an ant when scurrying over this
sidewalk in Durham, NC on 9/21/11. About 3 mm long. |
seed bug (Ozophora picturata), Durham, NC, 7/21/11. Photo taken at night.
Very lively, apparently attracted by light. |
Rhychromid seed bug (Pseudopachybrachius basalis, Myodochini tribe,
Rhyparochrominae subfamily, Rhyparochromidae family, Lygaeoidea
superfamily), on cattail leaf. |
Rhyparochromid Seed
Bug nymph (Myodochini tribe, possibly Slaterobius genus.) ID thanks to
Vassily Belov. Durham, NC, 5/14/11 |
Largid Bugs (family
Largidae, superfamily Pyrrhocoroidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Largus succinctus [Linnaeus, 1763], Goose Creek
State Park, Beaufort County, NC, 11/6/07. |
Squash Bugs and Leaffooted Bugs (family Coreidae, superfamily Coreoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
These are very large insects, often reaching two inches in
length including antennae. They are mostly crop pests. They overwinter
in my area and make frequent appearances on warm days late in
the year.
NOTE: This section, especially with respect to the adults, probably needs a thorough overhaul.
Squash Bug (Anasa tristis)
Squash Bug (Anasa tristis) nymph at Johnson Farm, Peaks of Otter, Bedford County, 8/22/18. ID thanks to Yurika Alexander. |
Leaffooted Bugs (Leptoglossus genus)
Leaffooted bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis), 10/27/10. Photo by Greg Cogswell. Alas, I neglected to ask Greg where the photo was taken, but this species is most commonly found in the western US and Canada. |
Leaffooted bug (Leptoglossus zonatus), Durham, NC, 2/13/19 |
Mating leaf-footed bugs (Leptoglossus phyllopus), Durham, NC, 8/2721 |
A species of adult
Leaffooted Bug (Leptoglossus phyllopus [Linnaeus, 1767]), Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, NC, 6/9/06.
Here you can see the characteristic light dorsal double dash. ID based on Featured Creatures information. |
Leaffooted Bug
(Leptoglossus phyllopolus),
Durham, 10/18/06 |
Leaffooted Bug (Leptoglossus oppositus [Say, 1832]), Asheboro, Randolph County, NC, 11/13/05.
This is the predominant Leptoglossus species where I live. |
Leaf-footed bug (Leptoglossus genus) eggs, Durham, NC, 6 /28/22 |
Leaffooted Bug
nymphs, Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill
access, Durham County, NC, 6/15/06. Very early instars. |
Even more Leaffooted Bug nymphs! Johnston Mill Nature
Preserve, Orange County, NC, 5/31/07 |
Leaffooted bug nymphs, Ft. Fisher Basin Trail, New Hanover County, NC,
10/15/09. They were moving very fast, looked like fire ants at
first. The big version of this photo is lost. |
Leaffooted bug nymph, late instar, Durham, NC, 6/26/09 |
Late-instar leaffooted bug nymph, American Tobacco Trail (~Mile 5), 6/24/10 |
Leaffooted bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/21/18 |
Late-instar Leaffooted Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 8/16/08. Wing pads are fairly large. |
Leaffooted Bug (Leptoglossus genus) nymph, Raulston
Arboretum, Raleigh, Wake County, NC, 9/15/06. This late-instar
nymph was about 3/4 inch long. |
Leaffooted (Orange-tipped) Bugs (Acanthocephala genus)
Adult Orange-tipped Leaffooted Bug (Acanthocephala terminalis, Durham, NC, 4/26/24 |
Adult Orange-tipped Leaffooted Bug (Acanthocephala terminalis), Durham, NC, 4/17/23 |
Adult Orange-tipped Leaffooted Bug (Acanthocephala terminalis), Durham, 7/4/05. |
Adult Orange-tipped Leaffooted Bug, Penny's Bend, Durham County, NC, 6/4/06 |
Probably leaf-footed bug (Acanthocephala genus) eggs, Durham, NC, 7/19/20 |
Leaf-footed bug (Acanthocephala genus) eggs, Durham, NC, 5/21/22 |
One of those leaf-footed bug (Acanthocephala genus) eggs, front view, Durham, NC, 5/26/22 |
Leaf-footed bug egg (Acanthocephala genus) , Durham, NC, 5/28/22 |
Leaffooted Bug nymph, Durham, 6/6/05. This bug appeared on my car for no
apparent reason. An early instar. |
Leaffooted Bug nymph, middle instar, Durham, NC, 6/14/13 |
Leaf-footed bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/18/22 |
Leaffooted bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/10/12 |
Leaffooted Bug nymph, Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill Road access, 6/23/05 |
Leaffooted Bug nymph, 7/14/06. Much smaller than adults: only about a half inch long. I found this one in the street and moved it to a plant on my lawn. |
Leaf-footed bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/24/22 |
Leaffooted bug nymph, Linn Cove Viaduct Visitors Center trail, Avery County, NC, 7/8/11 |
Leaf-footed bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/4/22 |
Leaffooted Bug nymph, Durham, 7/4/06, on a Scuppernong grape vine. A later instar: wing pads are still very small. |
Later-instar Leaffooted Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 8/1/08. Wing pads are small, Durham, NC, 8/1/08. |
Leaf-footed bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/1/23 |
Scentless Plant Bugs (family Rhopalidae, superfamily Coreoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Rhopalinae subfamily
Rhopalid bug, Durham, NC, 8/24/07. Found in the
same power line cut. |
Rhopalid bug (Niesthrea genus, Niesthreini tribe), Durham, NC, 10/9/10 |
Rhopalid bug (Niesthrea genus, Niesthreini tribe), Durham,
6/17/06 |
Rhopalid bug (Harmostes
reflexulus, Harmostini tribe), Penny's Bend, Durham, NC, 5/24/08 |
Rhopalid plant bug (Harmostes reflexulus), 5/22/15, Flat River Waterfowl Impoundment, Durham County, NC. ID thanks to Ken Wolgemuth. |
Serinethinae subfamily
Boxelder Bug
NC, 11/18/07 |
Boxelder Bug nymphs piling onto an adult, Durham, NC, 5/15/22 |
Boxelder Bug, Winston-Salem,
Forsyth County, NC, 7/31/06. This bug apparently had been
attacked, and had lost its right wings. |
Bug nymph (taken on city path leading to Old Salem) |
Boxelder Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/6/09 |
Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/15/09 |
Mating Boxelder
Bugs, two of dozens, maybe hundreds, where the trail first came
beside Sandy Creek. Sandy Creek Park, Durham, NC, 3/19/10 |
Red-shouldered Bug nymph (Jadera haematoloma), Raulston
Arboretum, Raleigh, NC, 6/9/06. |
Red-shouldered Bug, Raulston Arboretum, 6/9/06. Maybe a nymph
of the same species as that on the left,
found in the same small area in the Asian plants section.
| |
Broad-headed Bugs (family Alydidae, superfamily Coreoidea, infraorder Pentatomomorpha)
Broad-headed Bug (Alydus eurinus), Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange County, NC,
5/21/06 |
Broad-headed Bug (Alydus eurinus), Flat
River Impoundment, Durham County, NC, 10/4/10 |
Broad-headed Bug (Alydus eurinus), Durham, NC, 10/27/07 |
Broad-headed Bug (Alydus eurinus), Indian Creek Trail, a Jordan Lake
Game Land, Chatham County, NC, 7/7/06 |
Assassin Bugs (family Reduviidae, superfamily Reduvoidea, infraorder Cimicomorpha)
Assassin bugs are reputed to have inflict pain on humans
with their beaks if mishandled by them. They are not known to be dangerous
in the US. However, in tropical areas of the New World those of the
Triatoma genus are known to transmit Chagas Disease to humans.
Harpactorinae subfamily
Wheel Bugs (Arilus cristatus [Linnaeus, 1763])
These are relatively large predaceous insects that eat a wide
range of other insects, including moths, beetles, and stink bugs. Unlike
other species of Assassin Bugs, e.g., genus Sinea, these bugs do not have spines on their legs.
Wheel Bug with damselfly prey, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC, 10/5/19 |
Wheel Bug with one antennae on an aphid (on goldenrod), American Tobacco Trail, Durham, NC, 10/6/19 |
Mating Wheel Bugs, Durham, NC,
10/26/09 |
Wheel Bug, Durham,
11/20/07 |
Wheel Bug,
Durham, NC, 11/1/07 with Bumblebee prey. Note the bug's long red beak. |
Wheel Bug Nymphs
Nymphs in the first row are early
instars; the second, late instars.
Sixteen Wheel Bug nymphs, Catawba County, NC, 4/3/11. Appeared on
clothing in a wooded area, perhaps by contact with vegetation.
Photo taken by Randy Miller, who said they were about half a centimeter
long (5 mm). |
Wheel Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/26/20 |
Wheel Bug nymph,
Durham, 6/2/06. This bug, not
so well-fed, has its beak inserted in a flower. Predatory insects
also seek nectar as a rule. |
Wheel bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/26/19 |
Very well-fed Wheel Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/10/08 |
Wheel Bug, Durham, NC, 5/26/19 |
Wheel Bug
nymph, Korstian Division, Duke Forest,
Orange County, NC, 6/11/06 |
Wheel Bug nymph (late instar) with prey, perhaps
Flatid Planthopper
nymphs. Eno River SP, Old Cole Mill Road access,
Orange County, NC, 6/23/05. |
Wheel Bug nymph (late instar) with prey (apparently some kind of ladybug beetle larva), Eno River SP,
Old Cole Mill Road access, 6/15/06. |
Wheel Bug nymph, late instar, Durham, NC, 6/13/09 |
Wheel Bug late-instar nymph, Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange
County, NC, 6/25/09 |
This Wheel Bug nymph had just completed a molt, discarding a dark exuvia. Durham, NC, 6/17/18 |
Wheel Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/15/22 |
Zelus Genus Assassin Bugs
Milkweed Assassin Bug (Zelus longipes), Ocracoke, Hyde County, NC,
5/11/09 |
Milkweed Assassin Bug (Zelus longipes) nymph (foreshortened), Durham, NC, 8/18/19 |
Milkweed Assassin Bug (Zelus longipes) nymph with fly prey |
Assassin bug (Zelus luridus), Durham, NC, 6/1/22 |
Assassin bug (Zelus luridus), Durham, NC, 4/26/20 |
Assassin bug (Zelus luridus), Durham, NC, 8/10/13 |
Assassin bug (Zelus luridus), Durham, NC, 8/7/19 |
bug (Zelus luridus) nymph, Durham, NC, 9/20/14 |
Assassin bug (Zelus luridus) nymph, Durham, NC, 8/1/09 |
bug (Zelus luridus), Durham, NC, 8/11/14 |
Bee Assassins (Apiomerus crassipes)
Bee Assassin (Apiomerus crassipes [Fabricius,
1803], subfamily Apiomerinae),
NC Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC,
5/29/05. ID based on
U. of Florida's Stink Bug Trap page.
Bee Assassin,
Eno River State Park,
Old Cole Mill Rd. access, Orange County, NC, 6/15/06 |
Ringed Assassin Bug (Pselliopus cinctus)
1776], subfamily Harpactorinae,
Durham, 1/11/06.
Assassin bug (Pselliopus cinctus), Durham, NC, 10/16/21 |
Ringed Assassin
Bug (Pselliopus cinctus) nymph with two acanaloniid planthopper
nymphs, Jordan Lake Gamelands, Chathma County, NC, 7/12/15 |
Ringed Assassin Bug (Pselliopus cinctus) with caterpillar prey, Durham, NC, 9/14/19 |
Pselliopus cinctus, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC, 9/16/16 |
bug (Pselliopus cinctus) nymph on Marsh Fleabane with hopper
prey, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC, 8/6/15 |
cinctus assassin bug, Mason Farm Biological Reserve, Orange
County, NC, 9/12/12 |
Pselliopus cinctus, Durham, NC,
11/28/12. Appeared on a wall of my house. |
Pselliopus cinctus nymphs
Note the similarity to the adults of this species just
above. Unlike adults, however, they lack wings and have lots of abdominal
Pselliopus Cinctus nymph, American Tobacco Trail (Miles
4-6), Durham, NC, 7/8/10 |
Pselliopus cinctus nymph, Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill Road access,
6/23/05 |
Spined Assassin Bugs (Sinea diadema, subfamily Harpactorinae)
These nymphs have spiky forelegs, which seems to be unusual
for adult Assassin Bugs in this part of the country. The second and
third nymphs from the left were similar in size (about ⅛ inch long),
although their colors are different; the leftmost nymph was larger.
In the second picture, the insect's elongated head (with one prominent antenna)
blocks part of the view of the right foreleg.
Spined Assassin Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/9/22 |
Spined Assassin Bug
Durham, NC, 6/17/07. This bug was about 3 mm long. |
Spined Assassin Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/28/09. A very early instar, about 3 mm
long. |
Spined Assassin Bug nymph, Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill Road
access, 6/23/05. Also very tiny, and it's a good thing, too! |
Spined Assassin Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/4/08.
A later instar. |
Spined Assassin Bug nymph, Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill Rd. access, 8/17/08. A later instar. |
Spined Assassin Bug nymph |
Adult Spined Assassin Bug, Durham, NC, 6/24/22 |
Emesinae subfamily
Bugs of the below species wiggle constantly when they
A thread-legged bug (Stenolemus bituberus),
photographed at night in Durham, NC, 7/26/12 |
Thread-legged Bug (Stenolemus bituberus), Durham,
8/11/06. ID thanks to
Lynette Elliott. This
photo was taken at night. |
Ectrichodiinae subfamily
Assassin Bug (Rhiginia cruciata), Tanawha Trail, near Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 305, Avery County, North Carolina, USA
7/7/16. ID thanks to Ross Hill. |
Ambush Bugs (subfamily Phymatinae,
family Reduviidae, superfamily Reduvoidea, intraorder Cimicomorpha)
These are predaceous insects that station themselves on
flowers in brushy areas to ambush smaller insects. They often hide
in sprays of goldenrod flowers, and can be retrieved during some summers by
running one's hand through them. Their camouflage is effective but not
perfect, though!
Ambush bug pair mating, Durham, NC, 6/3/24 |
Ambush bug, Durham, NC, 8/22/23 |
Ambush bug, Boone, Watauga County, NC, 8/3/21 |
Ambush bug, Durham, NC, 8/27/21 |
Ambush bug, American Tobacco Trail, Durham, NC, 10/6/19 |
Ambush bug, Durham, NC, 8/28/18 |
Ambush bug (well-camouflaged on an aster), North Carolina Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC, 8/29/14 |
Ambush Bug, Durham,
7/15/05, awaits a weevil on a Queen Anne's lace flower. |
Ambush Bug,
Boone, Watauga County, NC, 8/5/08 |
Ambush Bug, on goldenrod. Cypress Gardens, Berkeley County, SC, 10/13/07. |
Ambush Bug,Little River Regional Park, Orange County, NC, 10/20/07 |
Ambush bug, transitional, Durham, NC, 7/19/24 |
Ambush bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/31/20 |
Ambush bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/28/20 |
Ambush bug, Durham, NC, 7/19/24 |
Same ambush bug |
Ambush bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/11/24 |
Juvie ambush bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/25/22 |
Ambush bug on Queen Anne's Lace, Durham, NC, 7/5/22 |
Same ambush bug nymph on Queen Anne's Lace, Durham, NC, 7/1/22 |
Ambush bug
nymph, Durham, NC, 7/24/15 |
Ambush Bug nymph, about 2 mm long, Durham, NC, 6/30/08 |
Ambush bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/20/18 |
Ambush bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/25/20 |
Plant Bugs (family Miridae, superfamily Miroidea, infraorder Cimicomorpha)
This herbivorous family comprises about 300 documented genera
and about 10,000 species. However, very few have agricultural
importance in North Carolina. The bugs shown below appeared in brush,
wetlands and on undeveloped property and were small enough to be overlooked by
most people (with the possible exception of Yucca Plant Bugs, which appear by
the dozen on agave plants). Identification of most of these insects below
the family level is a special form of torture for all but specialists in this
Mirinae subfamily
Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus lineolaris)
We are having an irruption this year (2020), perhaps because "Stay at Home" orders in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic have been good for wildlife.
Tarnished Plant Bug on wild
onion, Prairie Ridge Ecostation, Raleigh, Wake County, NC,
6/7/14 |
Tarnished Plant Bug, Durham, NC, 5/26/22 |
Plant Bug on Daisy Fleabane, Durham, NC, 5/23/15 |
Crab spider
with Tarnished Plant Bug prey and flies, Flat River Waterfowl
Impoundment, Durham County, NC, 5/22/15 |
Tarnished Plant Bug on Spotted Jewelweed flower,
Boone, Watauga County, NC, 8/6/08 |
Fifth-instar Tarnished Plant Bug nymph on fleabane, Durham, NC, 6/7/20 |
Another smaller fifth-instar Tarnished Plant Bug nymph on Black-eyed Susan |
Tarnished Plant Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/31/18 |
Tarnished Plant Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 11/9/07. |
Plant Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 5/29/15 |
Tarnished Plant Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/17/20 |
Tarnished Plant Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 6/9/14 |
Plant Bug nymph sipping nectar from a Black-eyed Susan flower,
Durham, NC, 5/31/15 |
Probably third instar Tarnished Plant Bug nymph, watched by an ambush bug, Durham, NC, 9/30/18 |
Tarnished Plant Bug nymph, early instar, Durham, NC, 6/4/21 |
Tarnished Plant Bug nymph, anomalous color. Durham, NC, 6/13/21, on trail bollard. |
Probably second instar (no wing pads!) Tarnished Plant Bug nymph, Durham, NC, 7/1/20 |
Pale Legume Bug (Lygus elisus)
Pale Legume Bug, Durham, NC, 5/29/21 |
Broken-backed Bug (Taylorilygus apicalis)
Broken-backed Bug (Taylorilygus apicalis), Durham, NC, 6/17/20 |
Clouded Plant Bug (Neurocolpus nubilus)
Clouded Plant Bug, Durham, NC, 9/8/20 |
Clouded Plant Bug, Durham, NC, 9/27/20 |
Clouded Plant Bug, Durham, NC, 8/11/21 |
Clouded Plant Bug, Durham, NC, 8/4/18 |
Cloud Plant Bug,
about 3 mm long, Durham, NC, 8/20/08. It landed on this leaf after flying. The
red is natural, not an artifact of using the flash: it was red in flight
in the shade. |
Clouded Plant Bug, Durham, NC, 6/29/09.
Found in local marsh. |
Clouded Plant Bug (Neurocolpus nubilus), Durham, NC, 5/22/21 |
No common name (Tropidosteptes genus)
Plant bug,
Tropidosteptes genus, Miridae
family. This one was about 2 mm long and hopping around in the
street. I thought it was a gnat at first. ID thanks to Vassily
Belov. |
Four-lined Plant Bug (Poecilocapsus lineatus)
Four-lined Plant
Bug (Poecilocapsus lineatus), Wind Rock, Giles County, VA, 6/16/11 |
No common name (Orthops scutellaris)
Plant bug (Orthops scutellatus). ID thanks to WonGun Kim. |
No common name (Polymerus basalis)
No common name (Taedia multisignata)
No common name (Neocapsus leviscutatus-real)
Plant bug, Tanawha Trail (beginning), Linville, Madison County, NC. ID thanks to Vassily Belov. |
Bryocorinae subfamily
Yucca Plant Bug (Halticotoma valida), on agave plant at NC Botanical Garden, 11/21/07 |
Yucca Plant Bug nymph, less than 1 mm long. Seen in neighborhood
garden, Durham, NC, 6/29/09. |
Orthotylinae subfamily
Lopidea genus, Orthotylini tribe
Mirid bug nymph, Asheville, NC, 7/7/05. A nymph,
possibly of this family, with small wing pads. |
Plant bug (Lopidea genus), Durham, NC, 6/14/24 |
Mirid bug nymph, Penny's Bend, Durham County, NC,
5/5/06. This bug was about ¼ inch
long without the antennae. |
Mirid bug (Lopidea genus), Durham, NC, 4/30/19 |
Mirid Bug (Lopidea genus),
Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham, NC, 5/24/08 |
Mirid bug (Lopidea genus), North Carolina Museum of Art outdoor trail,
Wake County, NC, 5/8/07 |
Reuteria genus, Orthotylini tribe
Plant bug (Reuteria bifurcata) on sycamore, Durham, NC, 6/17/22 |
Plant bug (Reuteria bifurcata) nymph, also on sycamore, Durham, NC, 6/17/22 |
Plant bug (Reuteria bifurcata) exuvia, Durham, NC, 6/17/22 |
Phylinae subfamily
Mirid Bug, Raulston Arboretum,
Raleigh, Wake County, NC, 9/30/07, about 4 mm long. Might be
a member of subfamily Phylinae. |
Plant bug (Amblytylus nasutus), Durham, NC, 5/18/21. ID thanks to Vassily Belov. |
Other Miridae
Mirid Bug? Duke
Gardens, 10/20/07 |
Mirid Bug, Durham,
9/19/05. This bug appeared in a marsh in my neighborhood. |
Mirid Bug,
Durham, NC, 5/23/09 |
bug, Boone, Watauga County, NC, 6/26/14 |
True Bug
nymph, Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve, Wake County, NC, 10/28/07.
This 12 mm long insect was scurrying up a tree trunk. The antennae
suggest that it's a Miridae family nymph. |
Lace Bugs (family Tingidae, infraorder Cimicomorpha)
Hackberry Lace Bug (Corythucha celtidis), sprinkled with dew. Durham, NC, 7/10/20 |
Hackberry Lace Bug (Corythucha celtidis), Durham, NC, 7/27/08 |
Hackberry Lace bug nymph (Corythucha celtidis), Durham, NC, 6/27/21 |
Oak Lace bug (Corythucha arcuata), Durham, NC, 6/9/22 |
Oak Lace Bug (Corythucha arcuata), Durham, 6/30/14 |
Sycamore Lace Bug (Corythucha ciliata), Durham, NC, 6/16/22 |
Lace bug (Corythucha genus), Durham, NC, 5/27/21 |
Lace bug (Corythucha genus), Durham, NC, 5/29/21 |
Lace bug, Durham, NC, 6/4/22 |
Lace bug (Corythucha genus), Durham, NC, 6/4/22 |
Lace bug (Leptoyphamutica), Durham, NC, 3/22/22. ID thanks to Ken Wolgemuth. |
Lace bug nymph (Corythucha genus), Durham, NC, 7/16/21 |
Lace bug
(Teleonemia genus), Riverside Nature Center, Kerrville, Kerr County, TX,
5/27/10, 2 or 3 mm long. I'd guess the species was nigrina. |
Lace bug (Teleonemia genus), Durham, NC, 10/27/20 |
Damsel Bugs (family Nabidae, superfamily Cimicoidea, infraorder Cimicomorpha)
Damsel bug (Nabis genus), Penny's Bend Nature Preserve, Durham County, NC, 6/25/11 |
bug (Lasiomerus annulatus, Nabidae family), Johnston Mill Nature
Preserve, Orange County, NC, 6/24/09 |
Damsel bug, Durham, 7/27/05. This picture was taken at night. |
Water Measurers (family
Hydrometridae, superfamily Hydrometroidea, infraorder Gerromorpha)
The Gerromorpha are "semi-aquatic" bugs.
Water measurer,
(Hydrometra genus). In same infraorder as
water treaders (Gerromorpha). About 12 mm long. San Antonio
Botanical Garden, Bexar County, TX, 5/26/10 |
Water Striders (family Gerridae, superfamily Gerroidea, infraorder Gerromorpha)
To read about experimental work on the physics of water striding, see
MIT strider study page.
Common Water Strider (Gerris remigis [Say, 1832]),
Durham, 4/15/05. Family info provided by Josh Rose. |
Mating Common Water Striders, Eno River State Park, Old Cole Mill Road access, 5/29/05. You can see
their wings if you look closely. |
Mating Common Water Striders, Eno
River SP, Orange County, NC, 4/28/06. They are on the Eno River,
which was unusually high after two days of heavy rain. |
Water strider
(Trepobates genus?) nymph, about an inch long, the biggest I've ever seen.
NC Botanical Garden, Orange County, NC, 5/9/11 |
strider (Trepobates subnitidus) nymph, Natural Bridge, Rockbridge County, VA,
7/9/09. Seen in artificial pool. |
Water strider, (Trepobates subnitidus) nymph, Haw River State Park,
Rockingham County, NC, 5/30/08. One of many in a pond. |
Broad-shouldered Water Treaders (family Veliidae, superfamily Gerroidea, infraorder Gerromorpha)
These aquatic insects probably represent different stages in
the life cycle of members of this family, possibly all members of the Microvelia
americana species.
Adult Broad-shouldered Water Treader (Microvelia genus), Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, Wake County,
NC, 8/2/07. This bug was less than 2 mm long. |
Broad-shouldered Water Treader nymph: wing pads seem to be evident.
Durham, NC, 12/15/08 |
Broad-shouldered water treader nymph, about 2 mm long. Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, Wake County, NC, 9/3/08 |
Broad-shouldered water treader nymph, about 1 mm long. It's
so tiny it doesn't make an impression on the water at all!
Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, Wake County, NC, 9/3/08 |
Broad-shouldered water treader (Microvelia americana), Durham, NC,
9/22/05. Maybe a very early instar. |
Water Treaders (Rhagovelia obesa). These tiny insects, no more
than 1 mm long, were in frantic motion at Bobbitt Hole at the Eno River State Park, Orange County, NC, 4/24/10. |
Shore Bugs (family Saldidae, superfamily Leptopodoidea, infraorder Leptopodomorpha)
Chiloxanthinae subfamily
Shore bug
(Pentacora ligata), Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC, 7/8/14 |
Shore bug (Pentacora ligata), Dismal Falls, Giles County,
VA, 6/14/11 |
Saldinae subfamily
Shore Bug (Saldula pallipes), Durham, 4/9/06. Seen in a large marsh
bordering on a swamp. This bug was about
⅛ inch long. These are scavengers. |
Shore bug (Salda lugubris), seen in a drainage conduit to a pond, Durham, NC, 5/6/17. ID thanks to Vassily Belov. |
(Eyed) Toad Bugs (Gelastocoris oculatus [Fabricius, 1798], family Gelastocoridae, superfamily Gelastocoroidea, infraorder Nepomorpha)
The Nepomorpha are "semi-aquatic" bugs.
I found some not far from a swamp in my neighborhood, one on a lake
shore, and one on the banks of a river.
There are two subspecies of Gelastocoris oculatus.
Gelastocoris oculatus oculatus is more studied in the US, but I am not jumping
to any conclusions.
Toad Bug scooting
across the water surface of a small stream, Jordan Lake east of the NC-751
bridge, Chatham County, NC, 10/26/11 |
Toad bug swimming, in a puddle that was an extension of overflowing Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC, 10/14/16. This was on the west side of Highway 751, after a tropical storm brought water into a cornfield. |
Toad bug lying in shallow water. Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC, 10/14/16. Same location as bug on left. |
Toad bug, Jordan Lake east of the NC-751 bridge, Chatham County, NC, 6/15/17 |
Toad bug, Jordan Lake east of the NC-751 bridge, Chatham County, NC, 9/26/16 |
Another Toad bug, Jordan Lake east of the NC-751 bridge, Chatham County, NC, 9/26/16 |
Toad bug, Jordan Lake east of the NC-751 bridge, Chatham County, NC, 8/30/15. Perhaps a nymph. |
Toad bug, Jordan Lake east of the NC-751 bridge, Chatham County, NC, 5/22/15. |
Bug, Durham, NC, 4/17/09, which was hopping wildly on a walkway near
a creek. |
Toad bug, Jordan Lake east of the NC-751 bridge, Chatham County, NC, 10/28/17 |
Mating toad bugs, Penny's Bend
Nature Preserve, Eno River SP, 6/16/12 |
Toad Bug, Jordan Lake shore, Chatham
County, NC, 10/16/05 |
Backswimmers (family Notonectidae, superfamily Notonectoidea, infraorder Nepomorpha)
Backswimmer (Notonecta genus) nymph, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, 5/17/22 |
Backswimmer (Notonecta genus) nymph, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, 6/21/22 |
(Notonecta genus, tribe Notonectini, subfamily Notonectinae) nymph, in a
drainage ditch, Durham,
NC, 5/18/08 |
Backswimmer. This bug showed up on the edge of a dried-up
drainage ditch in a heavily wooded area in Durham on 6/11/08. |
Backswimmer, another view of the Backswimmer on the left (retreating, in reverse), Durham, NC, 6/11/08 |
Water Boatmen (family Corixidae, superfamily Corixoidea, infraorder Nepomorpha)
No True Bugs can get oxygen from water and, as is the case for all aquatic bugs,
have to come to the surface to do it. And yes, according to
Marshall (2006), p. 99, they do get to use their
wings: they fly to other bodies of water sometimes. Unfortunately for bug
photographers, it's an unusual event! These animals are rarely more than 2
mm long.
Water boatman nymph (best one!), Jordan Lake Gameland, Chatham County, NC 3/20/17 |
A single Water Boatman nymphat the
lake's edge at a Jordan Lake Gameland, Chatham County, NC,
11/3/11. You can see its oarlike appendages. |
Four Water Boatman nymphs with a tiny
leaf (also submerged), a Jordan Lake Gameland, Chatham County, NC, 11/3/11.
These and many others appeared in the shallowest waters of
Jordan Lake, near large mudflats. |
Adult water boatman, Jordan Lake Gameland, Chatham County, NC, 2/8/17 |
Adult water boatman, Jordan Lake Gameland, Chatham County, NC, 1/13/17 |
Another adult water boatman with mysterious circular motion, Jordan Lake Gameland, Chatham County, NC 6/15/17 |
Adult Water Boatman (possibly Arctocoriza genus), Jordan Lake
Game Land, 12/17/06. This bug showed up on the bottom of a rather
muddy puddle, hence the necessity for image processing. It scooted
around the puddle using oar-like legs. |
Giant Water Bugs (family Belostomatidae, superfamily Nepoidea, infraorder Nepomorpha)
As is the case with all true bugs, these insects have wings as adults and sometimes fly from bodies of water in search of others.
Giant water bug (Belostoma flumineum), on the bank of Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC, 9/1/16 |
Giant Water
Bug (Belostoma flumineum) in shallow water, Jordan Lake, Chatham County, NC
7/8/14 |
Giant Water Bug
(Lethocerus genus, Lethocerinae subfamily), Minnesota Twins Ballpark canopy
roof, Minneapolis, MN, 10/19/09. Photo by Paul Leskovac, lead
project architect for this newly built ballpark; he
described the bug as being 1.5-2 inches long and flying away with a
loud, startling buzz. The temperature at the time was about 40°
F. |
This shows
where the Giant Water Bug was spotted, about 90 feet off the ground,
and where it flew (shown with red arrows). Paul Leskovac took
this photo too. This photo was taken on 11/15/09. |
Copyright © 2018 by Dorothy E. Pugh. All rights reserved. Please
contact for rights to use photos.