Durham, NC 8/29/24
Butterfly Bush |
Robber fly (Promachus rufipes) |
Robber fly (Promachus rufipes) |
Garlic Chives |
Male Fiery Skipper |
Bumblebee on Garlic Chives |
Durham, NC 8/27/24
Burnweed (Erechtites hieraciifolius) |
Common Lespedeza (Kummerowia striata) |
Marbled Orb Weaver |
Ticktrefoil pea vine |
Ticktrefoil pea flowers |
Cardinal Flower buds |
Aster |
Jumping spider (Phidippus |
Probably a juvie Copes' Gray Treefrog |
Same treefrog |
Smallspike False Nettle |
Sericea Lespedeza |
Katydid nymph |
Great Blue Skimmer, with spider |
Bumblebee on Garlic Chives |
Probably a juvie Copes' Gray Treefrog. Photo by Karl D. Gottschalk |
Large Milkweed Bug |
Climbing Hempvine |
Durham, NC 8/23/24
Roses from Karl |
Drone Fly |
Ailanthus Webworm Moth |
Jumping spider (Phidippus clarus) |
Seedbox |
Dew on grass leaf |
Bowl-and-doily Spider |
Thread-waisted wasp |
Northern Mockingbird |
Same Northern Mockingbird |
Durham, NC 8/22/24
Orchard Spider (Leucage venusta) |
Same Orchard Spider |
Antmimic jumping spider (Synemosyna formica) |
Antmimic jumping spider (Synemosyna formica) |
Ironweed |
Red-humped Caterpillar on fruit tree leaf |
Red-humped Caterpillars removed from fruit tree |
Virginia Dayflower |
Cardinal Flower |
Red-spotted Purple |
Same Red-spotted Purple |
Male Common Whitetail |
Great Blue Skimmer, with anomalous wing coloring |
American Tobacco Trail (miles 0-1), Durham, NC 8/21/24
Virginia Buttonweed |
Seedbox flower |
Seedbox pistil |
Eastern Gray Squirrel with an unusual tail |
Ocola Skipper |
Sweet Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa) |
Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) |
More Japanese Knotweed |
Large Milkweed Bug nymphs |
Purple Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) |
Juvie Gray Catbird |
Durham, NC 8/19/24
Swamp Agrimony |
Another Swamp Agrimony |
Tubeworm moth |
Velvet Mite |
Same tubeworm moth |
Velvet mite |
St. John's Wort |
Sweet Joe Pye Weed |
Froghopper |
Six-spotted Fishing Spider |
Same Six-spotted Fishing Spider |
Orb weaver (Argiope aurantia) |
Sweet Joe Pye Weed |
Hawk |
Juvie Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Mystery hummingbird |
Durham, NC 8/16/24
Virginia Dayflower |
Possibly Purpletop Vervain |
Another Purpletop Vervain |
Six-spotted Shining Leaf Beetle |
Goldenrod Spider |
Wandering Glider |
Black Saddlebags |
Male Sachem |
White-crossed Seed Bug |
Male Common Whitetail |
Durham, NC 8/14/24
Velvet Mite |
Planthopper parasite moth (Epipyrops exigua) caterpillar |
Jumping spider (Hentzia genus) |
Ant carrying a pupa |
This might be a Common Fig (Ficus carica) fruit. |
Large Milkweed Bug |
Larger Elm Leaf Beetle larva |
Jumpseed |
Malayisian False Pimpernel |
Durham, NC 8/12/24
Female House Finch |
Male Rambur's Forktail |
Goldenrod |
A patch of blue |
Durham, NC 8/10/24
Swamp Milkweed Beetle (Labidomera clivicollis) |
Same Swamp Milkweed Beetle |
Purple Top Vervain (Verbena bonariensis) |
This might be a Common Fiig (Ficus carica) fruit. |
Nut with leaf attached |
Planthopper parasite moth (Epipyrops exigua) |
Same planthopper parasite moth (Epipyrops exigua) |
Cutleaf Coneflower |
Fly |
Red-headed Bush Cricket and ant |
Kudzu bug |
Larger Elm Leaf Beetle |
Red-headed Bush Cricket |
Purple Top Vervain (Verbena bonariensis) |
Purple Top Vervain (Verbena bonariensis) |
Big Bluestem |
Fallen tree |
Durham, NC 8/9/24
Orb weaver (Mangora genus) |
Same orb weaver (Mangora genus) |
Same orb weaver (Mangora genus) |
Cocklebur Weevil |
Juvie Eastern Bluebird |
Pachygronthid bug |
Wolf spider (Probably Arctosa littoralis) |
Same wolf spider (Probably Arctosa littoralis) |
Female Rambur's Forktail |
Monkey Grass |
Mushrooms |
Turkey Vulture |
Feather |
Durham, NC 8/8/24
Hurricane Debby left a giant puddle, more like a pond here.
Ground beetle swimming on giant puddle |
Green Heron |
Same Green Heron |
Same Green Heron |
Nakedstem Dewflower (Murdannia nudiflora) |
Feather on giant puddle |
Wolf spider on giant puddle |
Another wolf spider on giant puddle |
Probably a female Mallard on giant puddle |
Male Eastern Bluebird |
Pond-size puddle |
Another view |
Northern Mockingbird |
Mushroom |
Durham, NC 8/3/24
Virginia Dayflower |
Dwarf St. John's Wort |
Same Dwarf St. John's Wort |
Sweat bee |
Same sweat bee |
Wild grapes |
Creeping Cucumber |
Climbing Hempvine |
Teneral Blue Dasher |
Robber fly (Promachus rufipes) |
Northern Mockingbirds: older feeding younger |
Juvie Northern Mockingbird |
Male Great Blue Skimmer |
Spined Assassin Bug head |
Spined Assassin Bug |
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