Michigan 6/30/24
Pepper and Salt Geometer Moth (Biston betularia) caterpillar. Photo by Melissa Pugh, in Michigan. |
Durham, NC 6/30/24
Golden Tickseeds |
Switchgrass |
White-lined Burrower Bug on Queen Anne's Lace |
Least Skipper |
Fleabane |
Heal-all |
Grass |
Carolina Horsenettle |
Morning glories |
Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardi) |
Tiny bee on Queen Anne's Lace |
Durham, NC 6/28/24
Ailanthus Webworm Moth |
Praying Mantis nymph |
Glassy-winged Sharpshooter nymph |
Asian Multi-colored Lady Beetle larva |
Spotted Lady Beetle |
Green lacewing larva |
Male Fiery Skipper |
Scoliid wasp |
Wasp |
Braconid wasp |
Teneral Blue Dasher |
Female Common Whitetail |
Purple Martins |
Juvie Purple Martin |
Another juvie Purple Martin |
Yet another juvie Purple Martin |
Durham, NC 6/26/24
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug |
Flower longhorn beetle |
Mite |
Caterpillar |
Green lacewing larva |
River Oats |
Everlasting |
Leafhopper (Sibovia occatoria) |
Tarnished plant bug nymph |
Least Skipper |
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) spikelet (flower): orange anthers and purple stigmas |
Eastern Tailed-blue |
Green lacewing larva |
White-lined Burrower Bugs |
Acanaloniid planthopper |
Carolina Horsenettle |
Flatid planthopper |
Japanese Spindle Tree |
Bumblebee on Purple Coneflower |
Male Great Blue Skimmer |
Pearl Crescent |
Planthoppers (Mysidia mississippiensis) |
Planthopper (Mysidia mississippiensis) |
Durham, NC 6/25/24
Sweat bee (Augochlora pura) |
Fork-tailed Bush Katydid (Scudderia furcata) nymph |
Durham, NC 6/21/24
Bee (Augochlora pura) |
Bee (Augochlora pura) |
Clouded Plant Bug |
Same Clouded Plant Bug |
Trumpet Creeper buds |
Orb weaver (Mangora genus) |
Carolina Dayflower |
Jumping spider (Phidippus clarus) |
Herbwilliam (Ptilimnium capillaceum) |
Herbwilliam (Ptilimnium capillaceum |
Spider and exuvia |
Thread-waisted wasp |
Pickerelweed |
Female Purple Martin |
Acadian Flycatcher |
Mantidfly. Photo by Karl D. Gottschalk of insect with his iPhone when it was on my hand |
Durham, NC 6/16/24
Picture-winged fly (Delphinia picta) |
Net-winged beetle (Calopteron reticulatum) |
Black-eyed Susan, with bug |
Close-up of bug |
Green lacewing larva, legs showing clinging to leaf |
Same green lacewing larva |
Same green lacewing larva, view from underneath |
Parasitoid wasp |
Same parasitoid wasp |
Same parasitoid wasp |
Same parasitoid wasp |
Lanternless Firefly Beetle (Ellychnia corrusca) |
Leafhopper (Jikradia olitoria) nymph |
Same leafhopper (Jikradia olitoria) nymph |
Larger Elm Leaf Beetle |
Lauxaniid fly |
Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota) seedheads |
White-lined Burrower Bugs mating |
Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota) flowers |
Leafhopper (Graphocephala versuta) |
Flatid planthopper (Flatormenis proxima) |
Copperhead |
Same Copperhead |
Black-eyed Susan |
Durham, NC 6/14/24
Caterpillar feeding on leaf |
Long-legged flies |
Plant bug (Lopidea genus) |
Plant bug (Hyaliodes vitripennis) |
Same plant bug (Hyaliodes vitripennis) |
Acanaloniid planthopper nymph |
Geometrid moth |
Brown Thrasher |
Glassy-winged Sharpshooter |
Same Glassy-winged Sharpshooter |
Spotted Lady Beetle |
Brown Thrasher |
Male Northern Cardinal |
Eastern Gray Squirrel |
Durham, NC 6/11/24
Polished Lady Beetle (Cycloneda munda) |
Spotted Lady Beetle |
Leafhopper (Graphocephala versuta) |
Flatid planthopper nymph |
Ambush bug nymph |
Spotted Jewelweed burst seedpod, with mature seeds |
Spotted Jewelweed seedpod |
Spotted Jewelweed burst seedpod, with immature seeds |
Spotted Water Hemlock |
Herbwilliam |
Japanese Spindle Tree flowers |
Male Eastern Pondhawk |
Turkey Vulture |
Male Brown-headed Cowbird |
Durham, NC 6/7/24
Deertongue |
Bee (Lasioglossum genus) |
Spotted Jewelweed |
Another Spotted Jewelweed |
River Cooter or Florida Cooter |
Same River Cooter or Florida Cooter |
Male American goldfinch |
Same male American goldfinch |
Male Fiery Skipper |
Water Hemlock |
Another male Fiery Skipper |
Male Spangled Skimmer |
Durham, NC 6/4/24
Ambush bug pair mating |
Ambush bug pair mating |
Ambush bug pair mating |
Venus' Looking Glass |
Male Horace's Duskywing |
Spearmint (Mentha spicata) |
Acadian Flycatcher |
Chipping Sparrow |
Durham, NC 6/2/24
Firefly |
Flatid planthopper nymph |
Spotted Lady's-thumb |
Pennsylvania Smartweed |
Marbled Orb Weaver with prey |
Crane fly |
Same Marbled Orb Weaver |
White Avens |
Ambush bug nymph |
Long-legged fly |
Web on sedge |
Marsh fly |
Pine cone with some needles still on it |
Juvie female Eastern Bluebird |
Geometrid moth |
Copyright © 2024 by Dorothy E. Pugh. All rights reserved. Please
contact for rights to use photos.